Greater Mumbai Disaster Management Action Plan

Cards (5)

  • A response to the 2005 floods to identify and mitigate risks from natural hazards such a flooding, cyclones, and earthquakes
  • Involved dredging the Mithi River
  • Greater co-ordination of resources in the event of a disaster
  • Despite the action plan, Mumbai still has too many issues to face.
    o   Continued development on the floodplain
    o   Continued destruction of mangrove forests
    o   Clogging of waterways and storm drains with rubbish
    Climate change will likely result in more severe rain events. The IPCC place Mumbai as the second most vulnerable city to climate change due to it’s high population and vulnerability to natural hazards
  • Problems with waste, drainage, and pollution are all linked. Waste is clogging drainage systems and leaching into waterways, in addition to releasing harmful chemicals into the air. It could be argued that waste is the biggest environmental issue Mumbai faces