Sustainable urban development

Cards (6)

  • Transport: Mumbai aims to have at least 10% electric vehicles by 2025, with over 2000 buses being electric.
  • Flooding: Restoration efforts are being made with the River Mithi, but this is a struggle. More toilets are being built in Mumbai so that people do not defecate in the river. Children are even paid to use toilets. Mumbai has also built new storm pumps with a capacity of over 26 million litres.
  • Energy: Nearly all of Mumbai’s energy comes from coal. In COP26 India agreed to reduce it’s use of coal. Mumbai authorities aim to have 35% of it’s energy come from renewables by 2026. They aim to install over 17 gigawatts worth of solar panels by this time
  • Waste: Prime Minister Modi has pledged to build more incineration plants across Mumbai. Mumbai aims to cut waste emissions by 10% and intend to pursue a ‘zero’landfill’ waste policy – a tall order given their current position
  • Green Space: Since 2011, there has actually been a 9% increase in green space in Mumbai thanks to volunteer efforts planting over 400,000 trees
  • Social: Slum improvement plans have improved quality of life for the urban poor, but some argue it is destroying the fabric of their community