Cards (3)

  • The Flutter:
    • A small mechanical device that incorporates a high-density ball bearing
    • Expiratory airflow moves the ball bearing producing both positive expiratory pressure (PEP) and high frequency oscillations of air within the airways
    • done in sitting
  • Effects of the Flutter:
    • Production of positive expiratory pressure causes an increase in end expiratory lung volume therefore reducing airway resistance and small airway closure
    • Channels of collateral ventilation are recruited allowing air to flow behind sputum plugs, facilitating secretion movement
    • High frequency oscillations create airway vibrations that mobilise excess secretions
    • Reduces sputum viscoelasticity
  • Flutter Technique:
    • Usually used in sitting or supine
    • Breathe in through nose and out through the Flutter
    • Start with 4 - 8 quite deep inspirations with inspiratory hold, expiring against Flutter (mucus loosening stage)
    • Then one maximal inspiration with inspiratory hold, followed by a forced expiration through the Flutter (mucus elimination stage)
    • Follow with a huff/cough as necessary