Cards (10)

  • Freud would bring forward unconscious conflicts and repressed emotions so they can be resolved
  • Freud would use hypnosis and free dissociation as well as the Freudian slip
  • Free dissociation -  where you are given a word and have to link it to the first work that you think off
    • Aichhorn applied this to young offenders. He rejected the harsh environment of young offenders and provided an environment where the children would be happy and where the superego would develop
  • It does not seem effective, Eysneck found that only 44% showed improvement compared to 72% who improved in hospitals
  • Cost: it was costly and time consuming so can never be used long term on criminals
  • Abuse: give the analysts the power to define normal. For example Freud said that homosexuality was abnormal which could harm the patient
  • Freudian slip - the times that a person uses one word but means another. He analysed the wrong words to uncover unconscious thoughts.
  • Case study Barker (1968)
    • He locked up a small groups of male offenders in a room for 11 days during this time they were kept completely nude and given large amounts of LSD
  • Case Study Barker (1968)
    • Follow up research showed offenders were 1/3 more likely to commit violent crimes after release then those that didn't receive this treatment.