Anaerobic respiration

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  • Bacteria and archaebacteria are organisms that can survive even in
    environments that are deprived of oxygen. so they undergo anaerobic
  • fermentation is another anaerobic pathway used by most organisms when deprived of oxygen
  • Fermentation undergoes glycolysis resulting in making ATP, NADH, and pyruvate.
  • Fermentation undergoes glycolysis resulting in making ATP, NADH, and pyruvate.
  • pyruvate molecules must undergo lactic acid or alcoholic fermentation to regenerate NAD+ without oxygen
  • Lactate is produced in lactic acid fermentation
  • ethanol is produced in alcoholic fermentation
  • Lactic Acid Fermentation
    • pathway is common to obligate anaerobes, which cannot tolerate the presence of oxygen.
    • happens in muscle cells
    • pyruvate from glycolysis are converted to lactate through the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase
  • The formation of lactic acid in our muscle cells causes muscle fatigue.
  • Types of bacteria that undergoes Lactic acid fermentation
    1. homofermentative lactic acid bacteria (LAB)
    2. heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria (LAB)
  • Homofermentative LAB is an organism that utilizes glucose molecules to produce lactic acid alone.
  • heterofermentative LAB are organisms that produce ethanol and carbon dioxide along with lactic acid as their by-products.
  • Alcoholic fermentation is a process by which organisms ferment glucose and produce ethanol as its by-product
    • used in bread and winemaking
  • Alcoholic fermentation step 1
    1. Pyruvate molecules undergo decarboxylation which results in the formation of acetaldehyde.
  • Alcoholic fermentation step 2
    2. Acetaldehyde is added with a hydride group from NADH and one hydrogen molecule which results in the formation of ethanol and oxidation of NADH to NAD+.