1.3.2 Databases

Cards (60)

  • Relational Database
    A database that recognises the differences between entities by creating different tables for each entity
  • Relational Database

    • Doctor, Patient
  • Entity
    An item of interest about which information is stored
  • Attributes
    Characteristics of the entity; categories about which data is collected
  • Flat File
    A database that consists of a single file typically based around a single entity and its attributes
  • Flat File layout
    Entity1(Attribute1, Attribute2, Attribute3 ...)
  • Primary Key
    A unique identifier for each record in the table
  • Foreign Key
    The attribute which links two tables together
  • Secondary Key
    Allows a database to be searched quickly; set up on attributes that are easier to remember
  • Entity Relationship Modelling
    Tables can have different kinds of relationships: One-to-one, One-to-many, Many-to-many
  • One-to-one relationships
    Each entity can only be linked to one other entity
  • Multiple child entities can be linked to the same mother entity
  • One-to-one relationships are demonstrated using a single line used to connect two entities
  • A one-to-many relationship will have a branch on one side, while a many-to-many relationship has branches on both sides
  • Entity relationship modelling involves considering the link between customers, orders, and products
  • Normalisation
    The process of coming up with the best possible layout for a relational database
  • Goals of normalisation
    • No redundancy
    • Consistent data throughout linked tables
    • Records can be added and removed without issues
    • Complex queries can be carried out
  • Types of normalisation
    • First Normal Form
    • Second Normal Form
    • Third Normal Form
  • Indexing is a method used to store the position of each record ordered by a certain attribute to access data quickly
  • The primary key is automatically indexed; secondary keys are used to make the table easier and faster to search through on those particular attributes
  • Handling Data
    Data needs to be input into the database using various methods depending on the context
  • Methods of capturing data
    Manually entering responses into the database, scanning cheques using MICR, using OMR for multiple choice questions, and OCR for other forms
  • Selecting and Managing Data
    Selecting the correct data is an important part of data preprocessing, which may involve only selecting data that fits certain criteria to reduce input volume
  • Exchanging Data
    The process of transferring collected data
  • Exchanging data
    Transferring the collected data
  • Exchanging data
    EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) doesn't require human interaction and enables data transfer from one computer to another
  • SQL
    Structured Query Language used to manipulate databases, enabling the creating, removing, and updating of databases
  • SQL
    • SELECT statement collects fields from a given table, FROM statement specifies which table(s) the information will come from, WHERE statement specifies the search criteria
  • Data Types
  • JOIN
    Combining rows from multiple tables based on a common field between them
    Allows making new databases
    Used to add, delete, or modify the columns in a table
  • SQL Query
    • SELECT MovieTitle, DatePublished FROM Movie WHERE DatePublished BETWEEN #01/01/2000# AND #31/12/2005# ORDER BY DatePublished
  • SQL Query Result
    • Howdy Partner! 04/21/2001, Okay Samantha, just leave. 04/21/2001, Bye Bye Bucky. 05/12/2004, My wife left me for my dog... 05/14/2004, Cars, Girls, and Money. 06/21/2012, Water Bottle Sadness 08/12/2015
  • SQL Query
    • ORDER BY DatePublished Desc
  • SQL Query
    • SELECT Movie.MovieTitle, Director.DirectorName, Movie.MovieCompany FROM Movie JOIN Director ON Movie.DirectorName = Director.DirectorName
  • SQL Query
    • CREATE TABLE TableName (Attribute1 INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Attribute2 VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, ...)
  • SQL Query
    • ALTER TABLE TableName ADD AttributeX and their dataTypes
  • SQL Query
    • ALTER TABLE TableName DROP COLUMN AttributeX
    • sets the number as a monetary amount