Remember the Human; Adhere to the same standards online that you follow in real life; Know where you are in cyberspace; Respect other people’s time & bandwidth; Make yourself look good online; Share expert knowledge; Help keep flame wars under control; Respect other people’s privacy; Don’t abuse your power; Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes
A catch-all term for any type of malicious software, regardless of how it works, its intent/how it’s distributed; Terms for malicious software; Any malicious code; Harms devices & steal data
Placed on a computer without the end user’s knowledge; takes private information & internet usage data, & then passes it to third parties (advertising, data companies, etc.); hard to detect
Protects a process, manufacture, composition of matter, and a useful machine; the protection is granted for a limited period (20 years from the filing date of the application)
Offers legal protection for logo, design, symbol, phrase, wordmarks, or a combination of those that represents a source of goods or services (usually ten years; can be renewed)