
Cards (12)

  • fragmentation
    -society now a mix of cultures & lifestyles
  • technological change

    -communications technology has removed physical barriers to many forms of relationships
  • rise of consumer culture & individual choice

    -people expect freedom of choice when comes to what they purchase
    -more free to choose whether to marry, break up, stay single
  • globalisation
    -people able to travel to see long distance partners
    -able to speak to partner when apart
  • gender norms & diversity
    -more acceptable of people to openly be in diverse couples / family types
    -people no longer afraid / hide relationships
    -no more laws in UK on couples
  • technological change & media saturation
    -fertility treatment allows families to have children without sex
    -media means more couples can communicate through the internet
  • rapid social change
    -more opportunities for people to be with who they like
  • Judith Stacey- postmodern families 

    -family diversity > greatly benefitting women
    -allowed them to free themselves from patriarchal oppression
    -study found women have been main agents of change in family
    -reject tradition of housewife & choose varied life paths
  • Judith Stacey - divorce extended families

    -many women make & maintain social connections
    -with people they met through relationships that've ended
  • individualisation thesis
    -previously > lives predetermined to abide by these structures
    -now become 'disembedded' from traditional expectations
    -have complete freedom of choice
  • pure relationship

    -relationships no longer defined by law / out of necessity
    -now by choice
  • negociated relationship
    -equality & individualism created this
    -varies according to each members wishes
    -undermines nuclear patriarchal family
    > greater gender equality
    > greater individualism