𝐈 - 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞

Cards (20)

  • what are the three types of circulation cells?
    ~ polar cell.
    ~ ferrel cell.
    ~ hadley cell.
  • why is there more precipitation on the equator?
    rising air cannot hold as much moisture.
  • what are high pressure conditions like?

    clear skies with little precipitation and arid conditions.
  • where does the earth receive the most radiation?
  • how are winds caused?
    when air moves from high to low pressure.
  • what is the coriolis effect?
    the earth rotates as the air moves above the surface and the winds follow a curved path.
  • is there a large or small distribution area at the poles?
    a large distribution area.
  • which direction are winds deflected in the northern hemisphere?
  • which direction are winds deflected in the southern hemisphere?
  • where do jet streams occur?
    on the boundaries of the main circulation cells changing the weather for different places.
  • what can oceanic currents do?
    transfer heat around the earth.
  • what are the Milankovitch cycles?

    changes in how the earth orbits the sun.
  • how common are Milankovitch cycles?

    every 100,000 years.
  • how often do sunspots come and go?
    every 11 years.
  • how does the solar output and sunspot activity affect the heat of the earth?
    the more sunspots there are, the higher the temperature on earth.
  • how does volcanic activity impact the heat of the earth?
    they lead to reduced temperatures as large amounts of ash in the atmosphere block out solar radiation.
  • how do asteroid collisions affect the heat of the earth?
    can lead to small periods of cooling due to a release of ash or dust particles.
  • what evidence is there of natural climate change?
    ~ tree rings.
    ~ ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica.
    ~ historical sources such as farming records.
  • what is the greenhouse effect?
    sunlight passes through the atmosphere and warms the earth. infrared radiation is given off by the earth and most escapes to outer space, allowing the earth to cool, but some infrared radiation is trapped by gases in the air, keeping the earth warm enough to sustain life.
  • how are human activities causing climate change?
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