
Cards (5)

  • reactions with aqueous silver nitrate
    -will result in formation of ppt
    -fluorines - no ppt
    -chlorides - white ppt (silver chloride)
    -bromides - cream ppt (silver bromide)
    -iodides - pale yellow ppt (silver iodide)
    -formation of silver iodide is fastest sub
    -formation of silver fluoride is the slowest
    least reactive fluoroalkanes
    most reactive iodoalkanes
  • measuring rate of hydrolysis
    -three test tubes in 50degree water baths with a mixture of ethanol and acidified silver nitrate
    -few drops of a chloro, iodo and bromoalkane to each test tube and start timer
    -time how long it takes for precipitate to form
    -chloro - white
    -bromo- cream
    -iodo - yellow
    -yellow will form fastest, C-I bond is the weakest
    -white will form slowest, C-Cl bond is the strongest
  • ozone depletion - fluorohalogenoalkanes
    -most common haloalkane is chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
    -contain carbon with Cl and F atoms e. CCl3F, CCl2F2
    -CFCs have many uses due to their chemical inertness as they are non flammable and non toxic
    -propellants for aerosols
    -solvent for dry cleaning
  • ozone depletion: hydrofluorocarbons
    -HFCs contain a carbon attached to H and F only eg. CH2F-CF3
    -HFCs are also chemically inert and used for a wide range of purposes
  • haloalkanes and the ozone layer
    -CFCs absorb lots of UV in the upper atmosphere
    -CFCs are broken down by UV causing formation of chlorine radicals
    -these radicals react with the ozone and break it down
    -HFCs are often used as an alternative to CFCs because they don't contain any chlorine and will not effect ozone