Consequence - Coolidge reign - boom however due to laissez faire style = flaws = contribution to Great Depression.
Event - Capitalism Ideology - Republicans mainly followed to improve economy
Example - Harding promoted American goods and increased trade.
Consequence - Significant, as the capitalistideology was the foundation of many of their policies.
A policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other nations, especially the political and economic affairs of other nations
Reduced number of immigrants coming into the country to 357,000a year but was revised to 150,000 a year in 1924
Restriction to immigration
Tariffs (Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act) - tax on imported goods to prevent Americans buying them and switching to domestic
Not joining 'League of Nations' or setting up colonies
Reduced number of immigrants coming into the country to 150,000 a year
Between 1935 and 1939, Congress also passed a series of Neutrality Acts that restricted the help the USA could give to other countries if they went to war
Rugged Individualism
Context - ‘Laissez-faire’ - inaction of gov = people more responsibility.
Consequence - ‘Rugged individualism’ theory - Belief that people weakened by govt as sapped self-reliance = no gov intervention; US isolate & reduce immigration where they contribute to the nation's economy and not gain better lives.
First Red Scare
First Red Scare caused by
Russia's fall of Tsardom and rise of Communism
Consequence of First Red Scare
Domino effect in the proletariats (workers) against bourgeoisie (capitalist masters), fear of Communism in the USA, particularly when workers began to strike in large numbers
Consequences - 1930 President Emergency Committee for employment organisation (temporary) to find work projects for the unemployed (overwhelming). Use Federal intervention = unpopularity.
Evidence - Overwhelming - last year of his presidency, the government received $2000 million and spent over $5000 million.
Conditions of workers after WWI didn’t improve
3,600 strikes, 1 in 4 workers on strike, 21st January 1919: 35,000 shipyard workers went on strike, escalated in February to a general strike of 60,000, CPUSA and CLP formed, Trade unions, Anarchists handed out pamphlets urging for a revolution
Importance of First Red Scare
Origins of Communism in America, shift from strict Liberalism to potential Communism in America
'Red Hunting' began
People started to accuse each other of being Communist
Violence in some parts of the country
Ku Klux Klan (KKK) targeted all groups considered 'Un-American'
Attorney General Palmer predicted a 'Red Revolution' on 1st May 1920
Failed to happen
Personality of the President
Event - Great Depression
Consequence - Unwelcome change for federal intervention & blamed for economic crisis.
The Bonus Army
Context - War veterans who received bonus payment based on years of service.
Event - Gov refused to pay $50 in 1945 = riots.
Consequence - In 1932 up to 200,000 of them marched to Washington and set up camps. Troops were sent with tear gas due to fear of riots. This lost a lot of support for the republicans.
A Changing Mood
Event - Roosevelt’s New Deal.
Context - Excellent communicator, confident, persuasive, pragmatic & understood how to manipulate Congress.
Consequence - Roosevelt more popular = Hoover only winning 6 states.
Event - Set up National Recovery Administration (NRA)
Consequence - enforced codes of practice for businesses, including setting working hours and minimum wage.
Event - Regulation of the Agricultural Adjustment Agency (AAA) for major crops e.g. wheat, cotton and milk.
Consequence of setting up his policies - Wealthy business people disliked his policies; republicans disliked his enlarging the powers of the president as did some democrats.
Second World War
Event - Fireside chats
Consequence - Assured the public and established a connection with the public.
Event - USA joined the war on 8th December 1941
Consequence - Pulled US out of depression: Rise in employment, booted industry and farming, loss of human lives.
Evidence - Within a year of the war, the US had produced $47 billion worth of war goods. The war was very good for the economy but there was an extremely large human cost; 400,000 died and nearly 600,000 were wounded or captured.
Media - saw working with the media as important; but often minimised the problem (e.g. USSR being first into space).
Public - good public manner; accessible, used clear imagery in his speeches e.g. domino theory.
Organisational Ability - exceptional organisation; set up regular briefings and long term planning sessions. He had everyone concerned to debate a decision.
Congress - worked well with congress, good at political bargaining and persuasion.
Truman's personality
Truman's media relationship
Truman's public relationship
Truman's organisational ability
Truman and congress
Worked less well with congress
Despite the fact that there was a republican majority after 1946 (in congress), they blocked many of his reforms
He had fewer contacts and was less able to network and charm
Personality, media, public, organisational ability, and relationship with congress
Understood the importance of charm
Worked hard on speech-making style and self-presentation
Saw working with the media as important
Learned names
Had personal chats
Used the television well
Good public manner
Organisational ability
Poor advisors competed for attention
Robert Kennedy and Theodore Sorensen did much of the work and reported
Abandoned Eisenhower’s regular meetings for meetings when needed
Didn’t always consult the right people e.g. Bay of Pigs
Less long-term planning
Worked very well with congress
Good at political bargaining and persuasion
Family connections were a big help
Personality: clever, capable, suspicious, hates people disagreeing with him, makes spur-of-the-moment decisions and backtracks
Distrusted the media and was very bad at managing it (Watergate)
Not good with people. He worked at it but he often seemed awkward and insincere
Organisational ability
Reinstated the system of regular meetings and briefings with the White House staff, but he was not good at taking advice