aldehydes and ketones

Cards (12)

  • aldehydes
    -carbonyl functional group C=O
    -carbonyl group always situated at the end of the chain
    -naming - carbonyl carbon is always 1
    eg. methanal HCHO
  • ketones
    -carbonyl functional group C=O
    -carbonyl group always situated in the middle of the chain
  • preparation of aldehyde
    -primary alcohol oxidised to aldehyde + water
    -oxidising agent - K2Cr2O7 / H2SO4
    -must be set up to distil the aldehyde as it is produced
  • preparation of ketone
    -secondary alcohol oxidised to ketone
    -oxidising agent K2Cr2O7 / H2SO4
  • further oxidation of a primary alcohol
    -aldehydes can easily be oxidised to carboxylic acid
    -primary alc to carboxylic acid - heat under reflux - aldehyde would still be produced but would evaporate and drop back into the reaction mixture and be further oxidised
    -oxidisation agent used K2Cr2O7 with H2SO4
  • further oxidisation of secondary alcohols
    -no further oxidisation will take place
    -ketones do not have a readily hydrogen atom in the same way aldehydes do
  • Using tollens reagent
    -contains silver(I) complex ion
    -formed when aq ammomia is added to a solution of sliver nitrate
    -if gently warmed with tollens reagent, an aldehyde will become oxidised
    -aldehyde causes colourless silver complex to become reduced to metallic Ag
    - +ve test = silver mirror
    -ketone will give a -ve test
  • using felling's solution
    -is an alkaline soln containing copper(II) ions acting as the oxidising agent
    -if aldehyde is gently warmed, it will become oxidised and a brick red ppt is formed
    -soln is blue due to copper ions
    -as aldehyde is oxidised to carb. acid the blue Cu2+ reduced to Cu+ ions - brick ppt formed
    -ketone will not be oxidised so soln will stay blue
  • using acidified potassium dichromate
    -aldehyde would be oxidised - orange to green
    -no reaction with ketones
  • Reduction of Carboxylic Acids
    -reduced to primary alcohol and water
  • reduction of aldehyde
    -reduced to primary alcohol
  • reduction of ketone
    -reduced to secondary alcohol