
Cards (13)

  • reaction of haloalkanes with ammonia
    -nucleophilic substitution
    -nitrogen lone pair in ammonia acts and nucleophile and replaces the halogen
    -when reacted with XS hot ethanolic ammonia under pressure, primary amine is formed
    chloroethane + ammonia --heat, ethanol--> ethylamine + NH4Cl
  • reduction of nitriles
    -nitriles contain -Cn which can be reduced to -NH2
    -nitrile vapour and hydrogen gas are passed over a nickel catalyst or LiAlH4 in dry ether can be used to form 1. amine
  • production of phenylamine
    step 1 - benzene undergoes nitration with conc HNO3 and conc H2SO4 at 25-60 to form nitrobenzene
    step 2 - nitrobenzene reduced with hot tin and conc HCl under reflux
    step 3 - NaOH added to form phenylamine
    step 4 - phenylamine separated from reaction mixture by steam distillation
  • basic properties of amines
    -nitrogen atom in ammonia and amine can accept a proton
    -act as bases in aq solns by donating its lone pair to a H+ to form a dative bond
  • strength of ammonia and amines as bases
    -strength depends on ability of lone pair on nitrogen atom to accept a proton and form a dative bond
    -more readily a proton is attracted - stronger the base
  • factors affecting basicity of amines: positive inductive effect
    -some groups like alkyl groups donate electron density to N causing lone pair of electron to become more available - increasing bacisity
  • factors affecting basicity of amines: delocalisation
    -presence of aromatic rings causes the lone pair of electrons on N to be delocalised into ring
    -lone pair becomes less available to form dative bond with ammonia and hence decreases the amine's basicity
  • ethylamine as a base
    positive inductive effect alkyl group donates electron density to N causing lone pair to become more available
    -strongest base out of ammonia and phenylamine
  • ammonia as a base
    -no electron donating groups to cause +ve inductive effect
    -no aromatic rings to cause delocalisation of N lone pair
    -weaker than ethylamine not as weak as phenylamine
  • phenylamine as a base
    nitrogens lone pair becomes delocalised in benzene ring and therefore less available to form dative covalent bond with H+
    -weakest out of ethylamine and ammonia
  • quaternary amine salts
    -chemical analogues to ammonium chloride NH4Cl in which hydrogens have been replaced by 4 alkyl groups
    -useful in manufacture of cleaning products
    -manufacture of conditioners for hair and fabric softeners
  • quaternary amine salts as cationic surfactants
    -are chemicals that lower the surface tension between immiscible liquids that allow wetting
    -cationic due to +ve charge on N
    -hydrocarbon groups are hydrophobic and amine group is hydrophilic
    -allows molecules to cluster on surface with heads in water and tails on the surface
  • cationic surfactants - conditioner or fabric softener
    -when hair or clothing is wet it can pick up -ve charges that facilitate build up of static electricity
    -conditioner or softener is attracted to wet surfaces due to +ve charge on surfactant
    -forms coating on hair or clothing giving a smooth coating preventing build up of static