
Cards (35)

  • Objectives of First Aid:
    • Prolong life
    • Alleviate suffering
    • Prevent further injury
    • Save lives
  • GORTS:
    G - Gentle
    O - Observant
    R - Resourceful
    T - Tactful
    S - Symphathetic
  • Signs are details discovered by applying your senses.
  • Symptoms are sensations that the victim feels and describes.
  • Phyisical examination:
    • Primary Survey (For unconscious casualty)
    • Secondary Survey (Conscious/Stable casualty)
  • Primary Survey: (ABC)
    1. Check for consciousness
    2. Apply CAB (Circulation, Airways, Breathing)
  • Secondary Survey:
    1. History Taking (SAMPLEPAIN)
    2. Check for Vital Signs
    3. Head to Toe Examination
    4. Check for Circulation
  • A wound is a break in the continuity of a tissue in the body. May be a closed/hematoma/contusions or an open wound.
  • Puncture is a piercing wound caused by pointed objects.
  • Abrasion is caused by scraping the skin against a rough surface.
  • Incision is a cut caused by any sharp objects.
  • Laceration is a blunt breaking or tearing of soft tissues.
  • Avulsion is a forcible tearing (may be partial) of tissues.
  • Carrying and Transporting an Injured Person: (One-Man Transport)
    • Fireman's Carry
    • Piggyback
    • Shoulder/Ankle drag
    • Fireman's drag
    • Blanket drag
  • Easiest way to transport a smaller victim.
    Fireman's Carry
  • Applicable when the victim is conscious.
  • Used when the floor is smooth.
    Shoulder/Ankle Drag
  • Used when the aider and victim must crawl underneath a low structure.
    Fireman's Drag Crawl
  • Used if the patient is naked or has fragile clothes.
    Blanket Drag
  • Used when there are two first aiders and a chair is available.
    Two-Man Transport
  • Three/More-Man Transport: Three or more rescuers get on both sides of the victim.
    Hammock Carry
  • Three/More-Man Transport: Carriers stay on the uninjured side of the victim.
    Bearers Alongside Carry
  • Fracture is break or crack in the bone.
  • Dislocation is a partial or complete displacement of the bones.
  • Sprain is an injury to the ligaments of a bone.
  • Strain is an injury to the tendons/muscles.
  • Heat Exhaustion is caused by loss of salt and water due to high temperature.
  • Food Poisoning is caused by consuming food or drink contaminated with bacteria.
  • Choking is when a foreign object blocks the throat.
  • Drowning happens when air cannot get into the lungs because of water.
  • Heart Attack is caused by sudden obstruction of blood supply to the heart muscles.
  • Chemical Burns may occur when electricity passes through the body.
  • Burns are often due to home incidents by touching hot things.
  • Heat Stroke is caused by the failure of the "thermostat" in the brain to regulate body heat.
  • Stroke is a condition where the blood supply to the brain is impaired by a blood clot/ruptured blood vessel.