Cards (45)

  • Statute law: 
    Parliament Act 1911-  removed the HOL's right of veto 
    representation of the peoples act 1928 
    Scotland Act 1998 
  • Common Law: 
    Somerset V Steward- Abolished Slavery 
  • Conventions: 
    Salisbury convention- HOL won't oppose legislation stated In the winning parties manifesto 
    Collective Ministerial Responsibility 
    Allowing the House a vote on deploying military troops 
  • Land mark decisions: 
    Magna Carta 1215 
    The Bill of Rights 
  • Authoritative works: 
    A.V Disex "introducing to the law of the Constitution
  • Treaties: 
    Lisbon Treaty 
    Maastricht treaty 
  • HRA 1998 incorporated ECHR into British law, gave British Citizens positively stated rights
  • HRA protecting citizens rights
    • Article 8 (right to family life) used in AA V Secretary of State for home department (2022)- Allowed convicted Nigerian Drug Dealer to remain in the UK due to British Girlfriend and Child
    • MS (Pakistan) V Secretary of State for home department (2020)- SC ruled that the government has a duty to protect victims of human trafficking
    • ZXC V Bloomberg (2022)- ruled that Bloomberg had wrongly released an article about a business who was under suspicion of criminal activity (protecting individual rights over collective)
    • In 2018 the SC declared the 2005 Civil Partnership act incompatible with the HRA, government changed the law in 2019 accordingly
  • HOL Act 1999- removed all but 92 Hereditary Peers 
  • 1997 referendums in Wales and Scotland 
  • 1998 Good Friday Agreement 
  • 2004 North East rejected a regional assembly by 78% 
  • 1998 London voted in favour of a Greater London Mayor and assembly 
  • Electoral Reform 
    Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly- AMS 
    London Assembly- SV (no longer used as of 2022
  • Constitutional reform act 2005- ended the House of Lords judicial function (Law lords) and established the independent SC 
  • Fixed term Parliaments act (repealed in 2022
  • 2011 AV referendum (68% voted against, 41% turnout) 
  • 2014 Scottish Independence Ref 
    -55.3% NO 
    -44.7% YES 
    -turnout 84.6
    -highest turnout in a nationwide referendum or parliamentary election since the franchise was extended to women in 1918 
  • E-Petitions
    2023- After a petition reached 183,000 the commons debated a commission to be set up to 
    investigate the process of Brexit for 3 hours 
    2019- revoke article 50 and remain in EU got 6.1 million signatures 
  • Wales Act 2014 and further legislative powers given to Scotland 
  • Recall of the MPs Act 2015
    -lan Paisley 2018- Suspended from Parliament for lobbying on behalf of Syrian Government- 
    recall petition failed with 9.4% signatures 
    -Fiona Ovasanya, 2019- Custodial sentence of less than a year- successful, recall petition 
    signed by 27.6% of constituency and replaced by Labour candidate 
    -Christopher Davies 2019- Misleading expenses- Recall petition successful with 18.9%- stood 
    up for re-election but replaced by LibDem candidate 
  • Scotland Act 2016- "devo max" powers granted 
  • Scotland Act 1998- Established the Scottish Parliament and granted several legislative powers 
    to the Parliament- local gov, housing, environment, law and order. Education, health and 
    varying income tax 
  • 1997 Referendum on further devolution
    Scotland- 74.3% said Yes to Devolution- turnout= 60.1
  • Scotland's Freedom of Information act 2002- grace citizens rights of scrutiny of public bodies 
  • Scotland offers free tuition for Scottish residents 
  • (Scotland) Act also states that Westminster reserves the powers over foreign policy, defence
    immigration and monetary policy- If Scotland had these it would become a nation state 
  • Led to Scottish parliament Act 2016- Vary income tax by up to 10p in the pound, determine 
    abortion laws, determining speed limits, right to receive 50% of VAT gathered in scotland, 
    Act states that Scottish Parliament is permanent and can only be abolished by a referendum 
  • In 2016 (Brexit) -62% of Scotland voted to remain- turnout= 84.6
  • 2022- SC rules that Scottish government needs approval of Westminster to hold a second 
    Independence referendum 
  • 2017 GE-SNP won 35 seats 
    Conservatives- 13 seats 
  • 2015 GE-SNP won 56 seats (50%) 
    Conservatives- 1 seat 
  • 1997 referendum Wales- 50.3% said yes to devolution 
    Turnout in 1997 Referendum- 50.2
  • Plaid Cymru- in 1997- 4 seats 2017- 4 seats 
  • Government Of Wales Act 2006-Recognised the importance of the executive by separating it 
    from the legislature 
    Gave wales limited legislative powers 
  • 2011 Devolved powers referendum wales- 63.5% said they wanted an assembly that has the 
    power to make primary legislative decisions- 35.4% turnout 
  • Wales Act 2014- Control over a number of Taxes- changed welsh assembly to welsh 
    government, given partial control of income tax without referendum 
  • The Wales act 2017- Gave wales the right to vary income tax by 10p in the pound, legislative powers over electoral arrangements, transport and energy. Welsh gov now permanent part 
    of the UK's constitution 
  • NI given its own parliament in 1922 due to partition 
    Lasted until 1972- Edward Heath imposed direct rule on NI due to escalated violence 
    Catholics (Mainly nationalist ) minority felt their right were being ignored by Protestant- 
    Unionist dominated assembly 
  • Good Friday Agreement 1998 under Blair- power sharing assembly to represent unionists 
    and nationalists 
    Endorsed by people of NI by two referendums