Cards (17)

  • 1997 Labor landslide of 179 meant that Blair was able to pass significant constitutional 
  • EEC established by Treaty of Rome 1957 
  • 2007 Lisbon Treaty- established European Council as an EU institution, responsible for providing the Union with the 'impetus necessary for its development' and for defining its 'general political directions and priorities'. The European Council has no legislative functions.
  • 2002 European single currency is launched into circulation 
  • 1992- Maastricht treaty established the EU with a common citizenship- commits members to 
    pursuing a common foreign and security policy 
  • Social Chapter- protects rights of workers in EU 
  • 2000 Charter of Fundamental Rights of EU was proclaimed and became legally binding to 
    member states 
  • 2018-28 members (countries) in EU 
  • 2018- EU second biggest economy 
  • Euro=worlds second reserve currency 
  • Migrant Crisis after Syrian civil war caused tension due to member states accepting more 
    than others 
  • 2016-43% of British trade was with the EU worth £241 billion 
  • 2013-14 EU citizens paid £2.6 billion in tax credits and chid benefit but contributed £14.7 
    billion in tax and NI 
  • 2017- 1.3 million British citizens were living in EU 
  • 2017-Uk made a net contribution of £8.9 billion to the EU 
  • ECHR, judgment- Emphasised precedence of EU law over UK law 
  • 2023- UK paid €1.3 billion to EU in law dispute and EU courts can still rule on how UK applied 
    EU pre Brexit