Cards (9)

  • What 3 accent features were searched for in Kerswills Lancashire study (2008) ?
  • what is h-dropping?
    saying 'at' compared to 'hat'
    associated with working class speakers of all ages across all dialects
  • what is th-fronting?
    'thing' vs 'fing' and 'with' vs 'wiv'
    associated with working class teenagers
  • what is t-glottaling?
    'better' versus 'be'er'
    associated with working class teenagers
    spreading to middle-class language
  • what were the broad findings of the Lancashire study?
    8/10 top pupils on aspiration had parents with professional jobs. 0/10 on bottom pupils had parents with aspirational jobs.
    children with top aspirational jobs used less of the accent features
    pupils in the bottom 10 had come from a home where there wasnt a high value placed on education
  • Josie
    one of the most aspirational pupils
    dropped her 'h' and 't'
    parents dont have highly professional jobs
    works really hard
  • Penny
    working class background
    parents are lorry driver and shelf stacker but 80% score on home culture
    scored high on aspirations
    clever, works hard and gives 100% effort
    parents place high value on education
    has high cognitive ability
    one of the most fluent and articulate speakers in study
  • when we speak there is an expectation that our speech will fit with our background, if it doesnt we may be judged to be inauthentic
  • "using non-standard forms helps to maintain their status as accepted members of their communities"
    the pull of social acceptance is very large