
Cards (13)

  • collision theory
    -states that for a chemical reaction reaction to take place the particles need to collide with each other in the correct orientation and with enough energy
  • activation energy
    -the minimum amount of energy required to start a chemical reaction
    -exo - reactants are higher in energy than products
    -endo - reactants are lower in energy than products
    -Ea in endo us relatively larger than exo
  • catalyst
    -a substance that increases the rate of reaction by providing a alternate pathway with a lower activation energy and is regenerated at the end of the reaction
  • rate of reaction
    -a meausred change in conc of a substance in a given time
    =change in amount of reactants or products/time
  • Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve
    The distribution of the molecular speeds of gas particles at a given temperature; as temperature increases, average speed increases and the distribution becomes wider and flatter.
  • changes in temp - maxwell b
    -when temp of reaction mixture increases, particles gain more kinetic energy
    -causes particles to move faster resulting in more frequent collisions
    -more successful collisions - proportion possess Ea to cause a reaction
    -higher temps = curve to flatten and peak shifts to the right
  • effect of temp on ROR
    -increasing temp = faster ror
    -particles have greater kinetic energy so move faster
    -more frequent, successful collisions
  • effect of conc on ROR
    -more conc, greater number of particles
    -increased collision frequency and therefore increased ror
  • effect of pressure on ROR
    -increased press means molecules have less space to in which they can move
    -effective collisions increases
    -increased collision frequence
    -increased ror
  • homogenous catalyst
    same phase as reactants
  • Heterogenous catalyst
    a catalyst whose phase is different from the reactants
  • Catalysts On maxwell Boltzmann distribution
    Ea line shifts to the left to show higher proportion of molecules that have Ea
  • rate of reaction
    a change in conc of a substance in a given time