
Cards (9)

  • alcohol = homologous series with a functional hydroxyl group (OH)
  • Alcohols are classified by the number of alkyl groups bonded
    directly to the hydroxyl bearing carbon.
    • Primary – no or 1 alkyl group.
    • Secondary – 2 alkyl groups.
    • Tertiary – 3 alkyl groups.
  • alcohols are liquid at room temp due to the london forces present
  • adding branches to an alcohol will decrease the boiling point because there are less points of contact and the london forces are weaker - this requires less energy to overcome
  • alcohols are miscible - form hydrogen bonds with water
  • reaction of alcohols -combustion
    • complete combustion = carbon dioxide and water produced
    • incomplete combustion = carbon / carbon monoxide and water produced
  • reaction of alcohols - oxidation
    • oxidising agent and K2Cr2O7 catalyst
    • primary alcohols = distil to form aldehydes and reflux to form carboxylic acids
    • secondary alcohols = reflux to form ketones
    • tertiary alcohols = resist oxidation
  • reactions of alcohols - substitution
    • forms haloakanes with halide ions in the presence of an acid e.g. NaBr and H2SO4
    • the hydroxyl group is replaced with the halogen
    • Na + is a spectator ion
  • reactions of alcohols - elimination
    • forms alkenes in the presence of hot concentrated H2SO4
    • water molecule is eliminated