Cards (7)

  • When did the eruption occur?
    Between March and May of 2010
  • What plate boundary did it happen at?
    Construction plate boundary between the North American plate and the Eurasian plate
  • Name 3 Immediate effect of the volcanic eruption (Ash):
    - The amount of ash that dispersed was enough to be an immediate chocking hazard and therefore face masks were needed to avoid this conclusion
    - During the Eruption a no fly zone was implemented across much of Europe. Which meant that airports were loosing $130 million daily
    - The ash that was emitted by the volcano stunted and stopped the growth of several farming areas. Horticulture lost £3 million daily
  • Name 6 Secondary effects of the volcanic eruption (Infrastructure, air pollution and foreign business ):
    - 700 people had to be evacuated due to the flooding from the melting glacier located above the volcano
    - 2.8 million tonnes less CO2 emitted due to flight bans
    - The ash made Icelandic soil so fertile that farmers were able to grow rapeseed oil and grapes
    - Kenya's flower council mentioned that the country lost $1.3 million a day
    - Roads were washed away
    - Raspatory illnesses
  • Name 3 unexpected benefits due to the eruption (Eco and Business):
    - The ash dissolved iron particulates into the North Atlantic, triggering a plankton boom, driving an increase in biological activity
    - Due to the negative press that the country experienced because of the eruption they launched a tourism campaign which has been successful
    - Considerable increase in Eurostar customers (50,000)
  • Name 2 immediate response to the volcanic eruption (Red Cross):
    - The Icelandic Red Cross set up 3 shelters and registration points to receive 600 people form the evacuated areas
    - The Icelandic Red Cross 24 hour helpline was activated immediately, to provide information to worried relatives
  • What was the long term responses (FABs) ?
    The European Union developed an integrated structure for air traffic management. Nine functional airspace blocs (FABs) will replace the existing 27 areas. In the future only areas of air space will close.