Lab Two Practical

Cards (23)

  • Veins
    are also elastic vessels, but they transport blood to the heart.
  • Arteries
    are elastic vessels that transport blood away from the heart
  • Deoxygenated
    Pulmonary circulation
  • Oxygenated
    Systemic circulation
  • Systolic pressure 

    is the pressure in aorta when left ventricle contracts.
  • Diastolic pressure 

    is the lowest pressure in the aorta.
  • Systole
    (top number) is the period of contraction.
  • Diastole
    (bottom number) is the period of relaxation.
  • Normal resting heart rate
    60-100 bpm
  • Tachycardia
    Anything over 100 bpm
  • Bradycardia
    Anything under 60 bpm
  • What changes after exercise?
    The PR interval increases, so does the ST interval and the QRS complex.
  • Ventilation
    is the movement of air into and out of the lungs.
  • Inspiration
    is gas exchange between air in lungs and blood.
  • Exhalation
    is the gas produced at the end of exhalation from deep within the lung. The act of expiration of air from the lungs.
  • Direction of air movment
    Air moves from an area of higher pressure to area of lower pressure.
  • Obstructive
    Less than 70%, such as emphysema, asthma, and chronic bronchitis
  • Normal
  • Restrictive
    Greater than 80%, such as cystic fibrosis and tuberculosis.
  • Boyle's Law
    P = k/V. P = gas pressure. V = volume. k = constant at a given temperature
  • FEV1/FVC

    Forced expiratory volume (FEV1)/forced vital capacity (FVC)
  • Functions of the Respiratory System
    The respiratory system provides a large surface area for gas exchange between the air and circulating blood. It is also responsible for moving air to and from the exchange surfaces of the lungs along the respiratory tract. It helps protect respiratory surfaces from dehydration and temperature changes and defends against invasion by pathogens. It produces sounds and helps aid the sense of smell by olfactory receptors.
  • SA node, internodal pathways, AV node, AV bundle, AV branches, purkinje fibers.