Representation in TIA

Cards (4)

  • What are the representation of men in TIA?
    Role of a father figure is pivotal to the film.
    Shauns lack of a father figure makes him desire a relationship with the other men in the film: first through woody and then combo.
    The violent climax of the film shows lacking a father figure leads to jealousy and anger within Combo, anger at Milky for having a secure family figure.
  • What does Woody represent about men?
    He acts as a father figure for Shaun, having a more positive male stereotype being logical, caring.
    He doesnt have the typical male physique, and isnt afraid to behave feminine (dressed in womens dressing gown) and embrace communication and male friendships.
  • What does Combo represent about men?
    He holds typical male stereotpes: argues back, violent, aggresive, loud and boisterous.
    Glorifies masculinity
    However, he does cry to Lol + after beating up Milky.
  • What do the female character in the film represent?
    Lol, Smell and Shauns mother are all not overtly sexualised (male gaze) like hollywood cinema
    Capture realist female characteristics
    Maternal roles
    Struggling single mother
    Smell = stronger female in the relationship