
Cards (22)

  • one of the three sacraments of initiation.
  • is known as Christmation by the Eastern Catholic churches in communion Rome.
  • Confirmation is a Sacrament (Holy Mystery)
  • Confirmation as a sacrament it communicates and reveals communion with God and his grace.
  • completes the baptismal grace
  • The Confirmed person is compelled to witness the Christian faith with conviction by word and deeds.
  • Confirmation has a Messianic (salvific) character.
  • promised to send his Spirit.
  • To help us continue the mission of our Lord
  • To strengthen our baptismal faith
  • To guide us toward the truth
  • Confirmation is not something one does in order to graduate.
  • Confirmation is not something one does just to get married in the Catholic Church.
  • Confirmation cannot be reduced to a rite of passage.
  • Confirmation is not a cultural celebration or party.
  • Like Christ, we are anointed (chosen)
  • Eastern Catholics use the word Chrismation instead of confirmation to highlight this important aspect.
  • The sacrament is celebrated through the anointing with chrism on the forehead.
  • How is the Confirmation celebrated in the East?
    Confirmation is celebrated after baptism.
  • How is the Confirmation celebrated in the East?
    In the East confirmation is known as Chrismation
  • How is Confirmation celebrated in the West?
    In the West confirmation is delayed to a later date.
  • How is Confirmation celebrated in the West?
    In the west Confirmation does not follow baptism ( only in some exceptions).