Ranchos for quiz

Cards (44)

  • Rancho level one is also known as no response.
  • In ranchos level one, the patient appears to be in a deep sleep and is completely unresponsive to any stimuli.
  • Rancho level two is also known as generalized response.
  • In rancho level two, the patient reacts inconsistently and non-purposefully to stimuli in a nonspecific manner.
  • In rancho level two, responses are limited and often the same regardless of the stimulus presented.
  • Rancho level three is also known as localized response.
  • In rancho level three, the patient reacts specifically, but inconsistently to stimuli. Responses are directly related to the type of stimulus presented.
  • Patients in rancho level three may follow simple commands such as closing the eyes or squeezing the hand in a delayed inconsistent manner.
  • Rancho level four is also known as confused agitated.
  • In rancho level four the patient is in a heightened state of activity. Behavior is bizarre and non-purposeful relative to the immediate environment.
  • Patients that are rancho level four will not discriminate among persons or objects and is unable to cooperate directly with treatment efforts.
  • Verbalizations from rancho level four are frequently incoherent and inappropriate to the environment.
  • Confabulation is common with rancho level four patients.
  • Rancho level four patient's gross attention to the environment is very brief. Their selective attention is nonexistent.
  • Patients that are rancho level four will lack short term and long term recall.
  • Patients with rancho level four will think irrationally and have impaired judgement.
  • Rancho level four patients will not be oriented to time, place, or situation.
  • Rancho level four patients with disinhibit.
  • Rancho level five is also known as confused inappropriate.
  • Patients that are rancho level five are able to respond to simple command consistently .
  • Patients that are rancho level five may be able to converse on a social automatic level for short periods of time with structure.
  • Level five rancho patients will demonstrate gross attention to the environment but are highly distractable and lacks the ability to focus attention on specific tasks.
  • Rancho level five patients with have inappropriate and confabulatory verbalization.
  • Rancho level five patients have severely impaired memory and often show inappropriate use of objects.
  • Rancho level five patients may perform previously learned tasks with structure but are unable to learn new information.
  • Rancho level five patients may wander randomly or with a vague intention of going home.
  • Rancho level five patients may become agitated in response to external stimulation or lack of structure.
  • Rancho level six is also known as confused appropriate.
  • Rancho level six patients show goal-directed behavior but are dependent on external input or direction.
  • Rancho level six patients follow simple directions consistently and show carryover for relearned tasks, such as self care.
  • Responses of rancho level six patients may be incorrect due to memory problems, but they are appropriate to the situation.
  • Rancho level six patients will be inconsistently oriented to person, time, and place.
  • Rancho level six patients will vaguely recognize staff and will slowly become aware of basic needs (hunger or need to use the restroom).
  • Rancho level six patients are supervision assist for old learning, but maximum assist for new learning with little to no carryover.
  • Rancho level six patients are unaware of impairments, disabilities, and safety risks.
  • Rancho level six patients will verbalize appropriately in highly familiar and structures situations.
  • Rancho level seven is also known as automatic appropriate.
  • Rancho level seven patients appear appropriate and oriented within the hospital and home setting.
  • Rancho level seven patients will go through their daily routine automatically, but frequently robot-like.
  • Patients in rancho level seven will show minimal to no confusion and will have shallow recall of activities.