bilaterally symmetrical, unsegmented, often with definite head
Coelom limited mainly to area around heart, and perhaps lumen of gonads, part of kidneys, and occasionally part of the intestine
Body plan has a head-foot portion and a visceral mass portion.
Dorsalbodywall forms pair of folds called the mantle, which encloses the mantle cavity, is modified into gills or lungs, and secretes the shell
absent in some); Ventral body wall specialized as a muscular foot, variously modified but used chiefly for locomotion; radula in mouth
Complexdigestivesystem; rasping organ (radula) usually present; anus usually emptying into mantle cavity; internal and external ciliary tracts often of great functional importance
Nervous system of paired cerebral, pleural, pedal, and visceral ganglia; ganglia centralized in nerve ring in gastropods and cephalopods
Trochophore larvae, spiral cleavage, and schizocoelous coelom formation
No asexual reproduction; Both monoecious and dioecious forms
Class Gastropoda - Shell, when present, usually coiled; body symmetry distorted by torsion; some monoecious species.
Class Cephalopoda - Foot modified into a circle of tentacles and a siphon; shell reduced or absent; head in line with the elongate visceral mass
Class Bivalvia - Body enclosed in a shell consisting of two valves, hinged dorsally; no head or radula; wedge-shaped foot.
Giant Clam
Class Scaphopoda - Body enclosed in a tubular shell that is open at both ends: tentacles used for deposit feeding; no head.