International position

Cards (6)

  • Policy of fulfilment:
    Gustav Stresseman understood if they wanted the treaty of versailles terms reduced and allied ocupation withdrawn they had to show co-operation
  • Locarno Pact 1925:
    • France and germany agreed to respect the Western Frontier
    • Germany had to keep its troups out the Rhineland
    • Britain and Italy would aid an country if it was attacked by its neighbours
    • Arbatrition treaties meant disputes would be settled with a conciliation committee
  • Relations with USSR:
    Treaty of rapallo - allowed for trade and economic cooperation, relations between two countries restored and Germany were allowed to deveop weapons and train pilots in Russia
    Treaty of Berlin 1926 - renewed earlier treaty and added Germany would remain neutral in a Russian war.
  • Kellog-Briand Pact:
    • International agreement stopping using offensive wars to resolve disputes
  • End of allied occupation:
    Once Germany prodivded evidence of co-operation allied troops were out of zone 2 by 1929 and zone 3 in 1930, five years ahead of schedule
  • Germany joined league of nations in 1926 and article 231 of war guilt was reduced