babies are born as a blank slate and our environment shapes our behaviour
newborns are born with basic, primitive response eg crying and the rest is a result of interactions with our environment
this is called environmental determinism
the social learning theory would explain how aggressive behaviour is learnt through observation and imitation of role models
eg. bandura bobo doll study
another assumption is that behaviour is learnt through conditioning
there are two types of conditioning: classical and operant
classical conditioning= an association is formed between a stimulus and a response
eg. pavlovs dogs
pavlovs dogs= repeatedly paired food (unconditioned stimulus) and a bell (neutral stimulus) which made the dogs salivate( unconditioned response). after several pairings, the dogs salivated to just the bell (conditioned response)
operant conditioning= new behaviours are learnt through the consequences of our actions
new behaviours can provide positve consequences (rewards) or negative ones (punishments)
behaviours that are rewarded are reinforced and are more likely to be repeated
eg. skinners rats - given a opositive reinforcement (food pellet) for pressing a lever = increased lever pressing
reinforcements can either be positive (gain something pleasant) or negative (avoids something bad)
another assumption is that the same principles/laws are common to all species
many animals are like us genetically due to evolution and there are only quantitative differences
it is appropriate to use animals in research and generalise to human behaviour
eg. pavlovs dogs process was then applied to little albert