
Cards (7)

  • what is the amygdala?
    bihemispherical structure in the brain made of grey matter > neurons packed together
  • where is the amygdala found?
    medial temporal lobe - mediates and communicates from one part to another
    limbic system - helps communicate (emotions, decisions etc) and includes PFC, HP, HT
  • what is the amygdala involved in?
    fight or flight > detect and respond to threat
    guard dog
  • Over Active
    perceive mild / non-threatening situations as more threatening than they actually are
    respond in an overly aggressive way > kill or be killed
    e.g. lash out from dirty look
  • Over Active - Study
    Coccaro et al (07) - fMRI
    IED and normal, showed images of faces
    shown angry face > IED - increased amygdala activity
  • Under Active
    don't learn to regulate behaviour and find less aggressive, more socially acceptable ways to behave > grow up - fearless, overly aggressive and antisocial
    fail to recognise threat > immune to fear conditioning in childhood > don't associate stimulus with fear
    techniques to socialise children don't always work
    e.g. don't react or detect threat from facial expression or tone of voice
  • Under Active - Study
    Gao et al (10)
    1795 participants tested for fear to noise (sweat) at age 3
    when they were 23 > those who committed a criminal act / were criminals > showed no fear
    lack of amygdala initiated fear in childhood > CB