delegation is passing down authority and responsibility
an organisation chart is the chart that shows the people in an organisation
levels of hierarchy is the number of levels on an organisation chart
chain of command shows the people who are in charge of others
span of control is how many people report to one manager
line of communication is how a message gets from one worker to another
line manager is the person directly above someone in the chart
subordinates are members of staff below a manager in the chain of command
authority is having the power to make decisions and enforce them on others
accountability is being responsible for something if it goes wrong
delayering is removing layers
tall organisational structures have many levels of hierarchy, long chain of command and a narrow span of control
flat organisational structures have fewer levels of hierarchy, short chain of command and a wide span of control
centrilisation is when decisions are made at head office. Subordinates have no authority
decentrilisation is when subordinates have greater authority and autonomy to make decisions in region .
communication is the process of sending and receiving messages from one person to another
recruitment and selection is the process of identifying the need for a job, defining the requirements of the position and the job holder, advertising the position, and selecting the most qualified applicants
a job description is a document that contains the essential duties and responsibilities of a job.
person specification is an outline of the ideal skills, qualifications and characteristics for a job role
job advertisement is where a job vacancy is advertised
internal recruitment is when the business fills a job with an existing employee
external recruitment is when a business will search for new candidates for a job vacancy from outside of the business
a CV is a document that is used to apply for a job and is used to showcase your skills and experience
an application form is a document that asks questions about your education, work history and other relevant information
non-financial motivation is the desire to do something for personal satisfaction or to gain a sense of accomplishment
contract of employment is a legally binding document that sets out the terms and conditions of employment
full time employment is when you work 35 hours a week or more
part time employment is when someone works less than 35 hours a week
a zero hour contract is a type of contract where the employee is not guaranteed a set number of hours per week
induction training is a type of training that is designed to prepare employees for their new job
training is the process of teaching a person to perform a skill or to perform a task in a particular way
on the job training is when employees are trained on the job by their supervisor
off the job training is training that takes place outside of the workplace and is usually paid for by the employer
e-learning is the use of electronic media to deliver education and training to students and employees
fringe benefit is a benefit provided to an employee by the employer that is not a salary
organisational structures is the way in which the organisation is divided into levels of management, functions and responsibility