
Cards (4)

  • B-Christians believe that bread and wine are a symbol of God's body and blood
    E- "Take this all of you and eat it, this is my body"
    E- The blessed bread and wine represents the rememberance of Jesus in the Last Supper
  • B- Christians believe God will forgive their sins
    E- "Drink it all of you, this is my blood, which seals God's covenant, my blood poured out for many the forgiveness of sins"
    E- The bread was broken among them, just as his body would be broken on the cross. Jews was asking them to carry out a new ceremony. Jesus was taking the place of the lamb. His death would save the people from sin.
  • B- Eucharist is the most important sacrament of the Catholic Church and are encouraged to celebrate it as often as possible
    E- During mass Catholics give thanks to God for:
    • The love he has shown humans
    • The gift of God's creation
    • The gift of Jesus to the people in Holy Communion.
    E- The priest says the words Jesus said at the Last Supper.
  • B- Catholics think that Jesus is omnipresent during mass but is especially present in the consecrated bread and wine.
    E- The inner reality changes to become the body and blood of Christ. The word transubstantiation therefore, literally means change from one substance to another.
    E- For this reason Catholics speak of the real presence of Jesus in the bread and wine. Jesus is present totally in the body, soul and divinity. When we receive Jesus in Holy Communion, we receive the whole of Christ.