
Cards (5)

  • B-Christians believe that the quote, spoken by Jesus to his disciples before his ascension, promises the coming of the Holy Spirit.
    E-"Wait for the gift I told you about, the gift my Father promised...But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will be filled with power, and you will be witnesses for me"
    E-Therefore, this promises that they will receive the Holy Spirit, empowering them to be witnesses for him and spread his teachings after his ascension.
  • B-Christians believe that Jesus' promise of the Holy Spirit emphasises divine empowerment for Christiams to spread the message of Jesus and live out their faith.
    E-"You are the light of this world"
    E-This means doing your best to live each day on purpose and in a way that is pleasing to God e.g showing kindness and compassion to to others
  • B- Christians believe in the importance of spreading the Gospel, which includes the teachings and message of Jesus Christ. This belief is emphasised through Jesus' command to his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, spreading the good news of salvation.
    E- Pope Francis says "strengthen us to defend the faith and to spread the Gospel"
    E- Pope Francis is asking for strength to protect and promote the Christian faith and its teachings.
  • Anglicans who choose to be confirmed make a further commitment to the Christian journey. It marks their decision to live a responsible and commited Christian life.
  • During the blessing the Bishop touches each candidate on the cheek and says "Peace be with you". This is a sign that the candidate is at peace with God and the community.