depression characteristics

Cards (3)

  • Self harm and suicide, aggression, sleep and eating habits changing, and anxiety levels.  Sleeping habits can change to lack of sleep which is known as insomnia and if they have more sleep then it is known as hypersomnia. Eating habits can change by a person eating more which can lead to weight gain, and a person eating less which can lead to weight loss. Anxiety levels can change, as one person can avoid social situations, whereas another may face agitation and therefore want more social interaction and a distraction which is known as psychomotor.
  • Low self esteem, low mood, and anger. Low mood is described as being sad and a person who faces this may view themselves as worthless and empty. Anger is directed to themselves and can lead to self harm.  Lowered self esteem is how we view ourselves, and a person who faces this would view themselves in a negative light and would describe it as self-loathing.
  • Absolute thinking, struggling to concentrate, attending and dwelling on the past. Absolute thinking is even if there is a positive aspect to the thing you have done you will think everything has gone bad.  Attending and dwelling on the past is where you are biassed to the negative aspects of life and will mainly focus on that compared to the positive points in life.  Poor concentration is where you are unable to complete tasks that you could normally do and unable to make decisions.