becks negative triad

Cards (6)

  • Faulty information processing
    Black and white thinking ignoring the positive aspects of the situation. 
  • Negative self schema
    It is a mental framework for interpretation therefore viewing themselves in a negative way. Two types of this is a self blame schema where you blame yourself for everything.  The other one is ineptness schema where the people expect themselves to fail.
  • The negative triad
    It is the negative thinking no matter the reality or situation, it can enhance the depressive feeling such as low self-esteem.
  • There seems to be no doubt that depressed people show particular patterns of cognition, and that these can be seen before the onset of depression. It therefore appears that Beck's suggestion of cognitive vulnerabilities is at least a partial explanation for depression. However there are some aspects of depression that are not particularly explained by cognitive explanations. Another good explanation would be biological. Thisnis because neurochemistry as a lack of serotonin can cause depression, as there is an imbalance in neurotransmitters.
  • strength screening and treatment. Cohen concluded that assessing cognitive vulnerability allows psychologists to screen young people, identifying the ones that are most at risk of developing depression later in life, so they were able to monitor them. Understanding cognitive vulnerabilities can be applied to CBT . These therapies work by altering the cognitions to make people who are vulnerable to depression, more resilient to the negative life events, which could then improve their symptoms. This shows understanding of cognitive vulnerability for more than clinical practices.
  • strength supporting research. Cognitive vulnerability refers to the ways of thinking that may predispose a person becoming depressed such as faulty information processing, negative self schema, and the negative triad. Clark and Beck 1999 concluded not only were cognitive vulnerabilities common in depressed people but they proceed with depression. confirmed recent study by Cohen 2019 tracked development 473 adolescents regularly and measured cognitive vulnerability found cognitive vulnerability predicted later depression. This shows association between depression and cognitive vulnerability.