Court Cases

Cards (16)

  • Planned Parenthood v Casey - 1992
    • the court upheld the State's 24 hour waiting period, informed consent, and parental notification requirements, holding that none constituted an undue burden
    • upheld Roe - abortion leagal legalbecause of due process
    • a lot of women disagreed; thought it should be because women are equal to men
  • texas v Johnson - 1989
    • court ruled that flag burning was an expression covered under the first amendment
  • Regents of the University of California v Bakke - 1978 (bakke case)
    • overturned racial quotas for some admissions programs; 'reverse discrimination' case
    • bakke wanted to go to UC davis medical school
    • said affirmative action violates equal protection (14th amendment)
    • supreme court upheld affirmative action, but they cannot use a quota system (ex: reserve 15% of seats for ppl of color)
    • 14th amendment case
  • US v Richard Nixon (1974)
    • declared the right of the executive privlidge could not be invoked in cases involving criminal activity
    • height of watergate (scadal?)
    • says he has 'executive privledge'
    • right of executive privlidge can not be invoked if case involves criminal activityprivilegeprivilege
  • Roe v Wade - 1973
    • legalized abortion through the second trimester of pregnancy
  • Furman v georgia - 1972
    • nullified the death penalty in the US for being to capriciously applied based on race
  • New York Times v US - 1971
    • dissolved an injuncion against the New york times that had restrained publication of the pentagon papers
  • Miranda v arizona - 1966
    • expanded the above ruling by adding that a suspect must also be informed of his right to remain silent;
    • expands civil liberties
  • Griswold v connecticut - 1965
    • struck down birth control regulation as an impermissible invasion of privacy
    • right to privacy based on due process clause of 14th amendment
    • comstock laws
    • penumbra (comines amendments which creates right to privacy; strict constructionists wouldn't like)
  • Gideon v wainwright - 1963
    • guaranteed defendants a court-appointed attorney if they were unable to pay for their own
  • Baker v Carr - 1962
    • allowed the question of reapportionment to be brought up in federal courts
  • Engle v vitale - 1962

    ended required prayer in public schools
  • mapp v ohio - 1961
    • illegally obtained evidence may not be used as evidence in state criminal proceedings
  • brown v board of education of topeka, kansas (1954-1955)
    • overturned the 'separate but equal' ruling in plessy; mandated that segregated facilities be elimninated 'with all deliberate speed'
    • 14th amendment case
  • Korematsu v US (1944)
    • upheld the 1942 removal of japanese-aericans to relocation centers in inland camps; declared within the combined war powers of congress
  • schenck v us (1919)
    • freedom of speech may be curtailed if exercising that right posed a 'clear and present danger' to others or to the state