G protein couple receptors (GPCR) have a conserved structure/topology which contain
7 transmembrane segments that form an alpha helical barrel structure -> ligand binding occurs on interior of barrel that leads to conformation change
an extracellular ligand pocket that connects information to inside at TM regions 5/6
its ligands are usually small molecules, 300 ligands are known now, more than 700 GPCR in humans
ligands can have multiple effects on GPCR signalling
agonist -> ligand binds to receptor and activates its normal biological response
antagonist -> ligand that binds to receptor and blocks activation -> dampening biological response
inverse agonist -> ligand that binds to receptor and activates it in an opposite/different response, anything but the normal response
types of agonists
full agonist -> gives normal response, response is concentration dependent, ability can go to full 100% activation
partial agonist -> normal response activity is less than 100%
neutral antagonist -> keeps activity at 0
inverse agonist -> increase in activity but differentresponse
the GPCR is activated when a ligand binds in the pocket which causes TM 5 to be pulled into the cavity (usually sticks out) and comes into contact with TM regions 3, 6, 7 to form a docking site for the G protein alpha subunit to bind
the G protein is a heterotrimeric protein localized and recruited by GPCR with an alpha, beta, gamma subunit
alpha -> lipidated, a GTPase (Ras family) which binds GDP/GTP
inactive -> GDP bound, bound to beta/gamma
active -> GTP bound, released from beta/gamma -> both alpha and beta/gamma are active and have a function downstream when released from each other
beta -> bound with gamma
gamma -> lipidated, bound with beta
ligand binding to GPCR makes it act as a GEF which allows binding of alpha G protein -> this binding causes AH domain of alpha G protein to open and have affinity for GTP
GTP loading of the alpha subunit has 2 effects:
heterotrimer G protein releases from GPCR
GTP bound alpha subunit and beta/gamma subunits dissociate, both of which are considered active
the G protein is lipidated (alpha and gamma) to keep it localized to the membrane bound GPCR
the different signal cascades activated by GPCRs are
phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K)
adenylyl cyclase (AC) and protein kinase A (PKA)
phospholipase C (PLC)
control over a variety of ion channels and transporters
agonist binds GPCR and turns on -> G protein binds which opens alpha subunit AH domain -> alpha becomes GTP bound and dissociates from beta/gamma -> beta/gamma DIRECTLY interact with PI3K by allosteric binding which turns it on
GPCR and PI3K/Akt pathway, activated in 2 ways
GF dependent
agonist binds GPCR and turns on -> G protein binds which opens alpha subunit AH domain -> alpha becomes GTP bound and dissociates from beta/gamma -> GTP alpha activates a downstream TF to increase GF/GF transporter production -> transporter localized, GF transported to extracellular environment so it can bind to its receptor and activate PI3K
this is INDIRECT activation
adenylyl cyclase (AC) is a 12 transmembrane protein (close to GPCR) with 2 catalytic domains in the cytosol which is activated BY 1 G protein and synthesizes cAMP at both of its domains
catalytic domain takes ATP and cleaves pyrophosphate which causes a cyclic phosphodiester bond to make cAMP
1 G protein activates 1 AC which makes 100-1000 cAMP
AC is a molecular amplifier, cAMP is a second messenger
different GPCR can activate or inhibit AC depending on cell and GPCR type
Gs -> GTP bound alpha subunit (Gs) can stimulate AC
Gi -> GTP bound alpha subunit (Gi) can inhibit AC
fluorescent cAMP reporters are proteins that change fluorescent colour when bound to cAMP -> informs about intracellular cAMP levels
NT (serotonin, GPCR agonist) added to neuron -> increase of fluorescent colour change in neuron because cAMP is made and bound
PKA is a heterodimer of dimers (4 subunits) and not membrane bound consisting of
2 regulatory subunits -> keeps kinase subunit off when no cAMP, has 4 allosteric binding sites for cAMP to bind to which allows the release of kinase subunits (regulatory subunits stay dimeric)
2 kinase subunits -> off when bound to regulatory subunits, on when cAMP binds to regulatory subunits and releases kinase subunit where they become monomeric which can enter the nucleus
functions to phosphorylate targets like CREB
active PKA phosphorylates CREB on Ser133 which is a TF in the nucleus (monomeric PKA is small enough to fit in NPC)
phosphorylated CREB binds to genes that have a CREB responsive element (CRE) -> CREB binding protein (CBP) binds to the CREB/CRE area to co-activate the complex -> allows for activation/inactivation of specific genes (depending on placement of binding)
CREB plays a role in neuronal dependent long term memory formation in the brain and regulates genes involved in mammalian circadian rhythms
decreased CREB -> implicated in Alzheimer's disease and depressive disorders
increased CREB -> implicated in schizophrenia
phospholipase C (PLC) is an enzyme that cleaves PIP2 into their lipid and inositol components, both of which are second messengers
diacylglycerol (DAG) -> activates PKC
IP3 -> releases Ca from ER
some GPCR activate PLCbeta
GPCR binds agonist -> TM 5 pulled into cavity with TM 3,6, 7 which acts as GEF for alpha G protein -> GTP loads into AH domain of alpha -> G protein subunits separate -> alpha subunit (Gq) activate PLCbeta -> PLCbeta cleaves PIP2 to DAG and IP3 -> IP3 allosterically binds Ca channels at ER to release -> Ca and DAG bind to PKC -> PKC is active now
Ca levels in cytosol is low, in ER is high
there are 3 mechanisms that regulate the IP3 gated Ca channel on the ER:
IP3 binding site -> causes Ca channel to open
first Ca site -> high affinity Ca binding site that helps the Ca flux, positive feedback, occurs during low Ca levels
second Ca site -> low affinity Ca binding site that closes the channel, negative feedback, occurs during high Ca levels
thus Ca is released in bursts and acts as a second messenger
activation of the PLC causes Ca signal 'waves' in cells, visualized with a fluorescent reporter for Ca that displays a concentration gradient upon opening Ca channels with IP3
PLC activation causes Ca signal oscillations across the ER membrane
IP3 binds to receptor to open the Ca channel -> low Ca levels released from ER binds to high affinity Ca binding site on channel to further open channel for Ca flux (positive feedback) -> high Ca levels released bind to low affinity Ca binding site to close the channel (negative feedback) -> cytosolic Ca returns to normal -> if more IP3, process restarts (oscillations)
Ca signal oscillation frequency depends on multiple factors:
concentration of ligand present
how specific it binds to GPCR
how much PLC activated by GPCR
how much IP3 is made
the amount of Ca bursts doesn't change with increasing agonist/drug/hormone, only the frequency will increase because of the positive and negative feedback loop process
Ca signalling is important in membrane traffic, hormone secretion, activation of calmodulin (phosphate binding protein), and activation of the Ca/calmodulin dependent kinase (CAMK)
calmodulin is a universal Ca signal adaptor
Ca binding (4 Ca sites) to calmodulin causes a change in conformation which allows it to bind/activate a number of target proteins with a CAM motifs and wraps around them to protect these regions
conformation goes from disordered to ordered dumbbell structure
activation of CAM dependent kinases
CAMK is a hexameric complex, each protomer has 2 domains (kinase and hub domain) connected by a linker region that contains a CAM motif and phosphorylation site
active calmodulin binds to the CAM motif on the linker to keep kinase domain open so it can auto phosphorylate and be 100% active -> can't be dephosphorylated because calmodulin present
open kinase domains can also trans phosphorylate other closed kinase domains (because no calmodulin) which activates them 50-80% -> at risk of dephosphorylation because no calmodulin
in the activation of CAMK
low levels of GPCR ligand -> low frequency Ca oscillations, insufficient signal to activate CAMK
high levels of GPCR ligand -> high frequency Ca oscillations, sufficient signal to activate CAMK, noise threshold passed
GPCR can activate the olfaction sensory system
humans have 350 olfactory GPCR (mice have 100) each binding to a different odourant
each olfactory neuron produces 1 type of olfactory GPCR
ligand binding to olfactory GPCR triggers signalling that initiates an AP in neurons
smelling -> your brain interpreting which neurons are activated with AP
GPCR get activated and propagate downstream signals but these signals are not always on, desensitization occurs with prolonged ligand input through negative feedback loops like
GPCR phosphorylation
beta arrestin binding
GPCR negative feedback loop: phosphorylation of GPCR
the ACTIVATED cavity on GPCR (TM 3/5/6/7) can bind alpha G proteins to activate but is also a good substrate for GPCR kinases (GRK) to phosphorylate the cavity at multiple spots
phosphorylation alone inhibits alpha G subunit binding moderately
phosphorylation can recruit arrestin to this docking site and completely block alpha G subunit from binding
GPCR negative feedback loop: beta arrestin binding induces GPCR down regulation through endocytosis
once GPCR cavity is activated by ligand -> GRK phosphorylate cavity -> beta arrestin binds to phosphorylated GPCR -> beta arrestin/GPCR complex undergoes endocytosis by sequestration or degradation
beta arrestin recruits adaptor protein 2 (AP2) which is a docking site for clathrin which forces pits to induce endocytosis
beta arrestin can also activate particular signals other than G proteins like
Ras/MAPK pathway
NFkB pathway (for gene expression)
CREB (TF) adding regulation via Ca
a single activated GPCR can bind to G proteins or beta arrestin but not both at the same time
different ligands of a single GPCR can induce unique structures to bias/prefer G protein or beta arrestin binding
if G protein biased -> GPCR activates cAMP and Ca signals
if beta arrestin biased -> GPCR activates Ras/MAPK and some transcription to cause GPCR degradation
this is to say more ligand/drug may not cause higher response because of this
with high degree of similarity between signalling systems of GPCR and RTK, the cell outcome is determined by the details of
signal strength
signal duration
other unique properties of cells being exposed to GF/hormones