Anti - Ballistic Missile Treaty May 1972 - Key issues discussed and measures suggested
Concerned ABMs
Limited Soviet Union and USA to 2 fields of ABMs (No more than 100 missiles each)
1 to protect capital city, 1 to protect ICBM sites
Anti - Ballistic Missile Treaty May 1972 - Achievements (What was agreed)
No competition to further develop ABM tech
Made race to develop offensive strategic weapons less critical than (MIRVs)
Anti - Ballistic Missile Treaty May 1972 - Limitation (Flaws and lack of agreement)
Limitations both US and USSR constructing two fields of ABMs
The Interim Agreement May 1972 - Key issues under discussion and measures suggested
Linked strategic offensive (ICBMs, SLBMs and bombers) and defensive arms agreements
Freeze on strategic missiles
The Interim agreement May 1972 - Achievements (What was agreed)
Significant to the establishment of Detente showed US accepted USSR's nuclear parity (balance of power)
The Interim Agreement May 1972 - Limitations (Flaws and Lack of agreement)
Valid for only 5 years
Did not cover developing technology
No limits on cruise missiles systems
The Moscow Summit May 1972 - Key issues under discussion and measures suggested
Finalised SALT and set out 'codes of behaviour' 12 principles
The Moscow Summit May 1972 - Achievements (What was agreed)
Co exist and respect each other's sovereignty
Avoid military conflict and negotiate
Avoid international tensions accepting countries should live in peace
The Moscow Summit May 1972 - Limitations (Flaws and lack of agreement)
Principles had no legal status
Kissinger dodging whether it was 'worth the effort' - only marginally useful
The Vladivostok Summit Nov 1974
Carter's impact on SALT II
The Vienna Summit Jun 1979
The Vladivostok Summit Nov 1974 - Key issues under discussion an measures suggested
Kissinger talked with Brezhnev about number of strategic missile launchers and MIRVs
Ten year plan
Internal opposition in USA, liked to high levels of weapons being retained and apparent gains made by Soviet Union
The Vladivostok Summit Nov 1974 - Achievement (What was agreed)
Soviet agreed to deal with equal levels of ICBMs launchers and SLBMs
The Vladivostok Summit Nov 1974 - Limitations (Flaws and Lack of of agreement)
USA argued air to surface missiles applied to ballistic missiles
Brezhnev rejected new approach
Soviet Union argued it would include cruise missiles
Carter's impact on SALT II - Key issues under discussion and measures suggested
Tried to be more ambitious in SALT II
Carter's impact on SALT II - Achievement (What was agreed)
Proposed terms:
Reduce number of launchers missiles MIRV from 1,320 to 1,100
Reducing strategic system from 2,400 level agreed at Vladivostok to between 1,800 to 2,000
Carter's impact on SALT II - Limitations (Flaws and lack of agreemnt)
Under pressure from the public and advisors to keep hard line
Brezhnev rejecting proposal
The Vienna Summit Jun 1979 - Key issues discussion and measures suggested
SALT II is signed in June 1979
The Vienna Summit Jun 1979 - Achievements (What was agreed)
Each party undertakes to limit ICBM and SLBM launchers and heavy bombers to an aggregate 2,400
The Vienna Summit Jun 1979 - Limitations (Flaws and lack of agreement)
Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan in Dec 1979
Ratified - Made binding and approved
Nixon - 68 to 74
Brezhnev - 64 to 92
Detente = French meaning for 'relaxation of tension' from 1969 to 1979. Improved relations between Soviet Union and US avoid conflict
1969 - Nixon presidency
1979 - Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Realpolitik = Aiming to achieve realistic compromises rather than ideological objectives
SALT = Strategic arms limitations talks
Cruise missiles = A missile which is guided to a land based target by a board computer
Gerald Ford = US president between August 1974 to January 1977 and he was a republican. Not elected by anybody kept Henry Kissinger. Lost to Carter in 1974
Vladivostok = Far east of Russia
Jimmy Carter = US president January 1977. Democrat. Peanut farmer. Human Rights advocate. Central to SALT II and withdrew it from senate. Blamed for hostage crisis in Tehran in 1979
Evaluation: Extent of Detente impact on the arms race
Kissinger's position 1974
Carter's position in 1978
Evaluation: Extent of Detente impact of the arms race
Kissinger's position in 1974
SALT II agreement not reached by 1977
Interim agreement there would be huge expansionist of the arms race
USA had to stay ahead of the USSR yet still negotiate an agreement
Evaluation: Extent of Detente impact on the arms race
Carter's position 1978
US deploy new weapons programmes EG stealth bombers
Dec 1979: Carter convinced NATO to increase defence spending by 3% and deploy cruise across Europe
Further USSR deployment of missiles in warsaw pact allies
Evaluation: Detente's impact on the arms race
Has Detente proved successful in reducing the arms race?
USSR use detente period to catchup
Evaluation: Detente's impact on the arms race
What fundamental issues remain a problem?
Lack of Trust
Cycle of reaction
Evaluation: Detente's impact on the arms race
Threat of nuclear war increased or decreased?
Talking and cooperating
Recognising threat of arms race
Detente in Europe - Ostopolitik
Hallstein Doctrine, 1955
Name given to West Germany's policy
Aimed to not recognise the existence of Easter Germany. Only had a diplomatic relations with Soviet Union
Soviet Union recognised East Germany. Barrier to European detente
Detente in Europe - Ostopolitik
Define new approach to European East - West relations
Willy Brandt (Chancellor of West Germany) in Oct 1969