Peace & Justice

Cards (8)

  • Wars
    • most people agree murder is always wrong
    • rule changes when fighting is called a war and many people are injured or killed
    • some argue war is always wrong and we should talk to solve disputes
    • others think fighting for your country is acceptable
  • Justice
    • just treatment for all people and doing what is right
    • Christians believe God is just - he created everyone equally and treats everyone fairly
  • A just society is more likely to be peaceful
  • Injustice
    • unfair treatment or behaviour towards a person or a group of people
    • some argue it is important to be angry in the face of injustice - righteous anger - because a lack of response allows injustices to continue
  • Peace
    • absence of conflict
    • Christianity - religion of peace - encourages believers to work to achieve peace around the world
  • Forgiveness and Reconciliation
    • forgiveness - letting go of a grudge you hold against another person
    • As God is merciful, believers should be merciful
    • reconciliation - people who were previously in conflict are brought together to make peace
  • Pacifism
    • belief that any form of war or physical violence is wrong
    • many pacifists think violence is wrong even in self-defence
    • others understand that there is not always a preferable option
  • Non-religious perspectives
    • peace is important to religious people but also non-religious people
    • peace is a goal shared by many people in a contemporary society
    • social media has raised awareness of economical and political differences around the world and the need to promote a just society to bring about reconciliation and peace
    • Athiest Bertrand Russell campaigned for nuclear disarmament