evolutionary explanations

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    • darwin suggested we have evolved in order to?
      1. survive - natural selection
      2. reproduce - sexual selection
    • relationships & evolution?
      • we have evolved to form relationships & choose partners which either enhance our reproductive success so we can pass our genes or to increase our chances of survival
    • define sexual selection?
      • process by which characteristics are selected in a species because they attract opposite sex & increase chances of reproduction
    • 2 types of sexual selection?
      1. intersexual selection
      2. intrasexual seletion
    • darwin & sexual selection?
      • he suggested that some bodily features & behaviours exist as theyre valued by opposite sex
      • they may not be advantageous to survival - increase likelihood of animal reproducing & passed onto offspring
    • intersexual selection - choosing a mate?
      • refers to evolution of traits that influence mate choice
      • certain characteristics are preferred by opposite sex
      • those possessing these traits will attact more mates - sexually selected & passed on
    • sexy sons hypothesis?
      • sexy traits will be passed onto offspring which in turn will make their children more attractive to opposite sex so will enhance their reproductive success - can pass on their genes
    • intersexual selection & reproductive behaviour?
      • preferred reproductive behaviour of females
      • have limited number of eggs
      • trivers 1972 - female has to invest more into offspring in terms of time/commitment/other resources compared to males
      • women prefer long term mating - being with only 1 sexual partner & being with them for long time
      • quality over quantity!!
    • females mate preference?
      • as she has to invest more she has more to lose if she chooses wrong partner
      • has to be pickier when comes to choosing mate
      • women have genetically evolved to select male who is genetically fit & healthy & has resources & willing to provide these resources for her potential offspring
    • waynforth 2005?
      • found that women prefer men with square jaw, ridged eyebrows, small eyes & symmetrical face
    • intrasexual selection - fighting for dominance
      • members of 1 sex compete with members of same sex for access to members of opposite sex
      • when successful reward is to mate with opposite sex & pass on their genes - next generation have desirable traits
      • enables offspring to inherit strength to further be able to compete with same sex - more likely to mate & pass on genes
    • intrasexual selection & reproductive behaviour?
      • preferred reproductive behaviour of males
      • minimal effort is required to produce enough sperm to theoretically fertilise many women
      • male does not have to invest much into offspring after birth
      • males likely to take higher number of sexual partners - increases chances of passing on genes
      • prefer short term mating - engage in more casual sex
      • quantity over quality!!
    • males mate preference?
      • likely to go for young & youthful looking women
      • theyre more likely to be fertile
    • singh 1993?
      • found that across cultures theres preference for females waist-hip ratio of 0.7 - typical hour glass figure
      • signals to males that female is over age of puberty & not pregant & associated with better health & reproductive success
    • 3 * of evolutionary explanations?
      1. evidence from dunbar 1999
      2. evidence from buss 1989
      3. evidence from clark & hatfield 1989
    • 2 X of evolutionary explanations?
      1. oversimplified
      2. methodological problems
    • * evidence from dunbar 1999 evolutionary?
      • conducted content analysis on lonely hearts advert in newspapers
      • found that most men wanted woman who was younger than themselves
      • women tended to seek older men - 1/4 women sought resources
      • supports idea that females prefer to choose mate who enhances reproductive success by providing for them & their offspring
      • men prefer more fertile looking women in order to pass on genes
    • * evidence from dunbar 1999 sexual selection & reproduction?
      • conducted content analysis on lonely hearts advert in newspapers
      • found that most men wanted woman who was younger than themselves
      • women tended to seek older men - 1/4 women sought resources
      • supports idea that women will choose mate who will provide quality over quantity in terms of reproductive behaviours
      • men select mate who appears more fertile so they can engage in short term mating to pass on their genes to many offspring
    • * evidence from buss 1989 evol?
      • asked males & females what they look for in marriage partner used over 10000 people from 33 countries
      • found females said were looking for males who could financially provide, tall, strong & healthy, older than them & who had symmetry of face & body
      • males said were looking for females who were younger,healthy,physically symmetrical with good WHR
      • supports idea males & females look for diff characteristics in opposite sex - increase chances of survival & reproductive success - said to have evolved to look for
      • men look for young women & women look for resources
    • * evidence from buss 1989 sexual selection?
      • asked males & females what they look for in marriage partner used over 10000 people from 33 countries
      • found females said were looking for males who could financially provide, tall, strong & healthy, older than them & who had symmetry of face & body
      • males said were looking for females who were younger,healthy,physically symmetrical with good WHR
      • supports idea that females select mate who will protect & provide when they have child & be part of long term mating
      • men select mate who appears younger so more fertile
    • * evidence from clark & hatfield 1989 evol?
      • conducted study - investigate diff in reprod behaviour between men & women
      • attractive male & female approached total strangers on uni campus said "hi ive been noticing u around campus & i find u very attractive" then asked series of q "would u have sex w me tnt?"
      • 75% men - yes & no women said yes
      • supports idea females evolved to choose mate takes part in lt mating to protect them & offspring - reject casual sex
      • men likely to take part in st mating w young attractive women - want to pass on genes to many offspring - likely to agree in casual sex
    • * evidence from clark & hatfield 1989 sexual selection?
      • conducted study - investigate diff in reprod behaviour between men & women
      • attractive male & female approached total strangers on uni campus said "hi ive been noticing u around campus & i find u very attractive" then asked series of q "would u have sex w me tnt?"
      • 75% men - yes & no women said yes
      • idea that men choose to partake in st mating to pass on genes to lots of offspring is supported
      • supports ides that women less likely to partake in st mating as they have more to lose if choose wrong mate & have higher parental investment
    • X oversimplified?
      • theory does not explain all couples
      • eg cannot explain homosexual relationships where its impossible for either of pair to find other attractive as a result of evolution where we look for traits that increase our reproductive succes & chances of survival
      • cannot account for lots of relationship types which exist in modern society
      • means it cannot be fully accurate as it doesnt provide valid explanation for these relationships so other factors must be involved
    • X methodological problems?
      • due to fact that in order to study mate preferences & reproductive behaviours of males & females we need to use self report techniques - questionnaires
      • means that results may rely on honesty of p & accuracy of their answers
      • they are likely to lie about such sensitive topics - preferred mating preferences & casual sex to gain social desirability.
      • method of investigation used can easily lack accuracy & therefore explanations for partner preferences & relationship between sexual selection & human reproductive behaviour may not be accurate
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