Christian perspectives on war

Cards (16)

  • War is against Jesus' teaching
    • he taught that we should seek peace in every situation
  • Catholic church opposes violence and calls for peace and reconciliation
  • In recent times, Catholic church has often denounced war than justified it
  • Catholic church supports Just War Theory but has often opposed the use of weapons of mass destruction
  • The church does not argue that war is right but it sometimes argues that it is the best option
  • Some catholics argue that the just war theory only suited an earlier kind of warfare, and that modern warfare is never justified morally
  • Just War Theory in the CCC [Catechism of the Catholic Church]
    • the damage done by aggressor must be serious and long-lasting
    • several attempts must have been made to avoid conflict
    • damage done by weapons must not be greater evil than the evil being opposed
    • the decision that a war is necessary must come from proper authorities, such as the governments of countries
  • the catholic church opposes WMDs as they are considered a crime against God to cause widespread suffering to non-combatants and wholesale destruction
  • other forms of modern warfare can inflict damage on civilians and the environment. every effort should be made to find peaceful solutions
  • authorities must provide security for their citizens and stresses that war can often create a refuge crisis with people exiled from their own country
  • Some Christians believe that pacifism is the response that best reflects the teaching of Jesus
  • Some Christians support situation ethics and may decide that going to war against evil is the most loving thing to do
  • Most Christians are opposed to nuclear weapons and other WMDs
    • many say all nuclear powers disarming simultaneously is the safest option
  • More Christians have turned to pacifism in the rise of WMDs
  • Christian responses to war
    • supporters of situation ethics might decide war is the most loving option
    • clear opposition to nuclear weapons
    • pacifism e.g. the Quakers
  • The Catechism of the Catholic Church sets out some Just War criteria:
    • Damage inflicted by the aggressor must be serious and long-lasting
    • Proportionality - damage done must not be greater than the evil opposed
    • War must be declared by proper authorities