some say there is little or no value of revelation as they are not all the same so cannot come from God
many would argue revelations are genuine - they are simply different representations of the same thing
Different views of revelations
people tend to have experiences that align with their religious tradition, suggesting they are not authentic
it is mainly religious people claiming to have revelations
non-religious people can experience revelations, but it tends to be about a religion they are most familiar with
overall argument: these are all experiences of the same thing but in a different form
Alternative explanations for revelations
someone who claims revelation may be drunk, lying, or mistaken
someone might have wanted an experience to be from God so much that they convince themselves it's the case
a person might not understand what they have experienced and assume it is from God (God of the Gaps - using religion to fill gaps in knowledge)
Alternative explanations for revelations
some claim they need benefit of the doubt if they are trustworthy and of sound mind
some argue that with so many religious experiences claimed, at least one of them must be true
non-believers would not accept written counts of revelation because "you cannot prove a book from a book". e.g. accepting a fictional character as real because they are in a book
Biblical examples of God appearing to people in visions and dreams
In Genesis 28, Jacob has a vision of angels ascending and descending on a ladder into heaven
Biblical examples of God appearing to people in visions and dreams
In Luke 1, Zacharias has a vision that he and his old wife will have a son - this son turns out to be John the Baptist
Biblical examples of God appearing to people in visions and dreams