The Value of Revelation

Cards (9)

  • Values of revelation
    • improves connection to God
    • changes lives of entire faith groups
    • help believers be more committed to God
    • cements previously-held beliefs
  • Proof of God's care
    • Incarnation
    • Death of Jesus
    • Resurrection
  • Different views of revelations
    • some say there is little or no value of revelation as they are not all the same so cannot come from God
    • many would argue revelations are genuine - they are simply different representations of the same thing
  • Different views of revelations
    • people tend to have experiences that align with their religious tradition, suggesting they are not authentic
    • it is mainly religious people claiming to have revelations
    • non-religious people can experience revelations, but it tends to be about a religion they are most familiar with
    overall argument: these are all experiences of the same thing but in a different form
  • Alternative explanations for revelations
    • someone who claims revelation may be drunk, lying, or mistaken
    • someone might have wanted an experience to be from God so much that they convince themselves it's the case
    • a person might not understand what they have experienced and assume it is from God (God of the Gaps - using religion to fill gaps in knowledge)
  • Alternative explanations for revelations
    • some claim they need benefit of the doubt if they are trustworthy and of sound mind
    • some argue that with so many religious experiences claimed, at least one of them must be true
    • non-believers would not accept written counts of revelation because "you cannot prove a book from a book". e.g. accepting a fictional character as real because they are in a book
  • Biblical examples of God appearing to people in visions and dreams
    • In Genesis 28, Jacob has a vision of angels ascending and descending on a ladder into heaven
  • Biblical examples of God appearing to people in visions and dreams
    • In Luke 1Zacharias has a vision that he and his old wife will have a son - this son turns out to be John the Baptist
  • Biblical examples of God appearing to people in visions and dreams
    • Genesis 1-2 tells us how God created the cosmos