rp 1: microscopes

Cards (8)

    • A - eyepiece
    • B - coarse and fine focus
    • C - arm
    • E - objective lenses
    • F - stage clip
    • G - stage
    • I - condensor
    • K - mirror
  • how to use an optical microscope:
    1. place slide onto the stage & use clips to hold it in place
    2. select lowest power on objective lens (4x)
    3. look from side and slowly turn coarse focus dial until objective lens is almost touching slide
    4. look through eyepiece and slowly turn coarse focus dial until cells come into focus
    5. use fine focus dial to bring cells into a clear focus
    6. do a pencil drawing of the cell including the magnification scale
  • total magnification = magnification of objective lens x magnification of eyepiece lens
  • why is a thin layer of cells used?
    easier to see individual cells
  • why is iodine solution added to the cells?
    stain parts of the cell
  • why is the cover slip lowered onto the cell at an angle?
    prevent air bubbles
  • how do you prepare the slide?
    • add a drop of water to the middle of a clean slide
    • use a tweezer to put a thin layer of cells on the slide
    • add a drop of iodine solution
    • place a cover slip over the slide at an angle
  • what should you add to your drawing of cells?
    • magnification
    • label the cell parts