Piggyintellectually strong - "Life is scientific [...] I knowthereisn't no beast"
Jack is powerful and controlling
Simon is morally strong - understandingthe beast and people'scharacter
Littleunsweak and dependant:
"They obeyed the summons of the conchpartly because Ralphblew it and he was bigenough to be a link with the adultworld of authority"
Identity and anonymity
Lack of individualidentity in names "Boys" "littleuns" "samneric"
"Life is scientific [...] I know there isn't no beast [...] I know there isn't no feareither"
Fear of the unknown eg. beast leads to violence
Beastsymbolises internal fears
Jack uses fear for manipulation "My hunters will protect you from the beast"
Piggy isn't fazed by fear: "I know there isn't no beast [...] I know there isn't no feareither". He attempts to rationaliseagainst it but people don't listen
"I'll give the conch to the next person to speak"
"He's going to beat Wilfred [...] he got angry and made us tieWilfred up"
Inherent evil
"Maybethere is a beast ... Maybe it's only us"
links to descent to savagery
Inherent Evil
"Fancythinking the beast was something you couldhunt and kill! You knewdidn't you? I'mpart of you"
"Roger, with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the leaver" - pushing the rock to kill Piggy
Loss of innocence
Initially: "This is our island. It's a goodisland. Until the grownups come to fetch us, we'll have fun" - innocence shown through childlike play and belief in the goodness of their situation
Loss of innocence
Ralph's realisation: "Ralphwept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man'sheart, and the fallthrough the air of the true, wisefriendcalledPiggy"
Civilisation vs Savagery
Begins with attempt at establishingcivilisation - "We've got to haverules and obeythem"
Turns into - "Bollocks to the rules"
Leads to - deaths of Simon and Piggy, "kill the beast! Cut its throat! Spill his blood!"
The climax is reversal of the beginning - ultimatesavagery - huntingRalph
Shows the fragilenature of society
Navalofficer is starkcontrast
Loss of innocence
Jackunable to kill the Pig - "Enormity the downward stroke would be"