Part 1 - Elizabeth's court and Parliament

Cards (11)

  • Explain the pretences of Elizabeth's birth
    Born by Anne Boleyn - 1533
    Henry was desperate for an heir to continue Tudor line
    Elizabeth was an disappointment to her father
  • Explain the early life of Elizabeth
    Learned various subjects and languages
    Prepared to be a member of the royal court and other figures surrounded the monarch
    Would marry an foreign figure to form an alliance
    1547 - Henry VIII
    Elizabeth lived with Katherine Parr
  • Explain the events leading to Elizabeth's coronation
    1553 - Edward died
    Mary was paranoid of rebellion and Elizabeth was an enemy
    1554 - Elizabeth was imprisoned due to accused starting a rebellion
    Mary's enemies wanted to replace her with Elizabeth as she was an symbol for Protestants and surrounded by political figures
    1558 - Mary died and became Queen
    Age 25
  • Describe the Parliament of Elizabethan England
    Made up of House of Lords and Commons
    It was less powerful than modern UK Parliament
    Influence over tax and was responsible for passing laws
    Queen decided to call Parliament and listen to advice
  • Describe the Lord Lieutenants of Elizabethan England
    Appointed by Queen to take adminstartice responsibility of area in country
    Settling disputes and collecting taxes and responsible raising militia
    Leverage to become Privy Councillor
    Great power and influence
  • Describe the Privy Council of Elizabethan England
    Day to day responsibility of country and were main advisors
    Chose the most powerful landowners to avoid rebellion
    Called on any to deal with any foreign or military affairs
    If Privy Council agreed unanimously it became hard for Queen to disagree
    Led by Secretary of State
  • Describe the Justices of Peace of Elizabethan England
    Ensure order was kept
    Selected by local gentry and ensure laws were enfroced
    A JP had power to send somebody to prison and 4 JPs required to sentence a criminal
    JPs swore they would treat everyone equally
  • Describe Elizabeth's court
    1,000 people from highest nobles to servants
    Sources of trends and fashion
    Real power lay around 12 men and were the government
  • Define patronage
    Land, titles or power given to ensure an individual's support
  • William Cecil
    1520 - 98
    Secretary of State twice and most trusted advisor
    Encourages Elizabeth to take control of Catholic Ireland and fought Catholic rivals
    Developed Poor Laws
  • Francis Walsingham
    1532 - 90
    Secretary of State and was queens closest advisors
    Elizabeth's spy master and had 'eyes and ears' everywhere
    Establishes England ad an powerful force against Spain and France
    Played role in execution of Mary Queen of Scots execution