A large crack opened up by hydraulic action. Crack grows larger. Crack opened up by hydraulic action. Crack breaks through the headland forming a natural arch. The roof of the arch collapses into a tall rock stack. The tall rock stack erodes into into a rock stump.
What is the formation of Longshore Drift ?
Waves approach the beach at an angle because of the direction of the prevailing wind. The swash carries material up the beach at an angle. Back swash carries material straight down. Material is transported along the coast by longshore drift.
What is a spit ?
A spit is formed when longshore drift continues across a river mouth. Waves push material up the river, curving the end of the spit. Sand and silt are deposited by the river behind the spit.
What is Hard Engineering ?
Hard Engineering works agaisnt natural processes such as erosion to protect the coastline. It tends to be more expensive and structures need to be continually maintained.
What is examples of coastal management that works with hard engineering ?
Seawalls and Rock Armour
What is Soft Engineering ?
Soft Engineering works with natural processes to protect the coastline, and it tends to be less expensive and easier to maintain as it doesn't depend on building structures.
What are examples of coastal management that uses Soft Engineering ?
Beach nourishment and management retreat.
What is the formation of a leeve ? HAPPENS IN THE LOWER COURSE OF THE RIVER
During times of flooding, water overflows the bank of the river. Large sediments are deposited close to the river. After many floods, piles of sediment (leeves) from the side of the channel
What is the formation of a waterfall/gorge ? HAPPENS IN THE UPPER COURSE OF THE RIVER
Notch forms in the softer rock creating a river rapid. Height of the drop increases until eventually a waterfall forms. The less resistant rock is undercut leaving the harder rock unsupported. Overhanging hard rock breaks off and hits the base. Abrasion creates a plunge pool . If the process is repeated over a long period of time a gorge will form.
What is formed in the upper course of the river ?
V-shaped valleys, High Force Waterfall
What is formed in the middle course of the river ?