Introduction to Radiologic Technology & Health Care - 1

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  • Their role is crucial in ensuring that patients receive safe, effective, and accurate doses of radiation during their cancer treatment.
  • Radiation therapists are responsible for ensuring that patients receive safe and effective radiation therapy.
  • Nuclear medicine technologists administer radiopharmaceuticals to patients and perform nuclear medicine studies.
  • Radiation therapists are responsible for administering radiation treatments according to the prescribed plan developed by the oncologist or radiation oncologist.
  • Radiation therapists work closely with other healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, and radiographers, to ensure coordinated patient care.
  • There are more than 10,000 radiography programs that offer education leading to eligibility to take the certification examination administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).
  • MRI technologists operate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines that create detailed images of body structures using magnets and radio waves.
  • They use imaging techniques such as PET scans, SPECT scans, and bone scans to create detailed images of the inside of the body.
  • Their role involves working closely with physicians and other medical professionals to interpret results and make recommendations for further care.
  • Nuclear medicine technologists administer radiopharmaceuticals to diagnose or treat diseases.
  • The development of radiology is in large measure a story of the development of hardware
  • Early scientists and crafts workers made possible the production of x-rays
  • 1st century AD shows evidence of experimentation with the chemical and physical properties of matter
  • Archimedes
    Explained the reaction of solids when placed in liquids
  • Democritus
    Described materials as being composed of ultimate particles
  • Thales
    Discovered some effects of electricity
  • Three specific aspects of physical science that paved the way to the discovery of x-ray
    • Electricity
    • Vacuums
    • Image Recording medium
  • Evangelista Torricelli
    Produced the first recognized vacuum when he invented a barometer in 1643
  • Otto van Guericke
    Invented an air pump capable of removing air from a vessel or tube in 1646
  • Robert Boyle and Herman Sprengle
    Repeated the vacuum experiment in 1659 and 1865
  • William Gilbert
    One of the first men who extensively studied electricity and magnetism
  • Robert Boyle
    Experiments with electricity merit him a place among serious investigators
  • Isaac Newton

    Build and improved static generator
  • Charles DuFay
    Distinguished two different kinds of electricity while working with glass, silk, and paper
  • Abbe Jean Antoine Nollet
    Made a significant improvement in the electroscope
  • Benjamin Franklin
    Conducted many electrical experiments and was one of the pioneers of electricity
  • William Watson
    Demonstrated a current of electricity by transmitting electricity from a Leyden jar through wires and vacuum tubes
  • William Morgan
    Conducted experiments with electrical discharge and noticed the coloration and difference in color of partially evacuated tubes
  • Michael Faraday
    Induced an electric current by moving a magnet in and out of a coil in 1831, leading to the concept of electromagnetic induction
  • H.D. Ruhmkorff
    Made the most significant improvement on induction coils in Paris
  • Johan Wilhelm Hittorf
    Conducted several experiments with cathode rays, streams of electrons emitted from the surface of a cathode
  • William Crookes
    Furthered the study of cathode rays and demonstrated that matter was emitted from the cathode with enough energy to rotate a wheel placed within a tube
  • Phillip Lenard
    Furthered the investigation of cathode rays and found that they could penetrate thin metal and project a few centimeters into the air
  • William Goodspeed
    Produced a radiograph in 1890, recognized only in retrospect after the discovery of x-rays by Roentgen
  • Image recording material
    • Photographic recording techniques
    • Significant improvement of image-recording material and cathode rays experiments
  • 1727 – Johann Henry Scholtz– produce