Correlation/ Regression: Utilized to understand the relationship between two quantitative continuous variables.
Correlation/regression investigates whether changes in one variable predict changes in the other
The test statistic used is the correlation coefficient (r), which indicates the strength and direction of the relationship.
One sample t-test: This test compares the mean of a single quantitative continuous variable (sample) to a known or expected value (population).
Chi-Square test of independence: Determines if there's a significant association between twocategorical variables.
What data is used within correlation tests?
Twocontinuous quantitative variables
What type of test statistic is used within a correlational text?
A converted correlation coefficient r into a t value.
How is the test statistic within a correlation test distributed under the null hypothesis?
A t distribution within N-2 degrees of freedom
What sort of test does this reflect, and what is the direction of the hypothesis
Null hypothesis there is no relationship or association between variable X variable
Alternative hypothesis there is a relationship or association between variable X variable ?
Correlational test
A coefficient r close to -1 indicates a strong negative relationship. As one variable increases, the other decreases.
A coefficient r close to 1 indicates a strong positive relationship. As one variable increases, the other also increases.
What test aligns with these hypothesises one way ANOVA
Null: There are no differences in the population between the means of the individual groups
Alternative: There is At least twogroupmeans different from each other in the population
This is a One Way ANOVA
Describe the variance of this ANOVA data:
There is large variance within-groups
There is a small variance between-groups
Describe the variance of this ANOVA data:
There is small variance within-groups
There is a large variance between-groups
The F value used within a One-Way ANOVA summarises what?
How significant the between-group mean differences are, compared to the within-group mean differences
A Two-way Factorial analysis of variance examines the influence of two independent variables with three factors (+3) on a dependent variable.
A One Way analysis of variance examines the influence of one independent variable with three factors (+3) on one dependent variable.
There are three sets of null hypotheses in a Two-Way ANOVA:
The means of the dependent variable are the same across levels of the first factor.
The means of the dependent variable are the same across levels of the second factor.
There is no interaction between the two factors.
What are the two independent variables called within a two way ANOVA?
Factors 1 and Factors 2
Example Question two way factorial ANOVA: Does blood type and gender have an influential effect on blood pressure
If the variance by the Levenes test has a p-value greater 0.05, what can we conclude?
That there is equalvariance within-groups of a two way factorial ANOVA
A 5 x 2 factorial ANOVA was performed; what do numbers "5" and "2" represent?
The number of levels in each of the two predictor variables.
The first predictor factor variable has five levels,
Second predictor factor variable has two levels.
What does a two-way factorial ANOVA layout look like?
Is there a main effect of factor 1 difference between mean x and mean x
Is there a main effect of factor 2 difference between mean x and mean x
Is there an interaction between the factors?
ANOVA assumptions include?
Observations are independent (random sampling in experimental design)
Residuals are normally distributed - histograms and shapiro wilk
How is a repeated measure ANOVA different to one-way or factorial ANOVA?
The measures made about participants are repeated there is no independence of measures
When do we use repeated measures ANOVA?
When observations of participants are at different time points but use the same participants twice
Example: studying the effect of different diets (vegetarian, pescatarian, omnivore) on cholesterol levels and BMI requires what kind of test?
Example: studying the effect of different study techniques (flashcards, self-quizzing, rereading) on students' test scores, controlling for pre-test score, requires what kind of test?
ANCOVA due to the nuisance variable
MANOVA's Purpose: determines if the means of multiple outcomes differ across the levels of the predictor.
ANCOVA's Purpose: determines if the means differ between levels of the predictor, after controlling for the nuisance variable.
ANCOVA you have
one categorical independent variable with three or more levels,
one continuousdependent variable,
and one continuous nuisance variable.
MANOVA you have
one categorical independent variable with three or more levels
and multiplecontinuousdependent variables.
In a one-tailed test, we are only looking for a difference in one specific direction. Therefore, we consider the entire alpha level in that one tail of the distribution
Power of the test ( 1-B ) a true positive
Is this statement true of false: "The significance level (α) is the probability of incorrectly concluding that there is a difference between means, when testing samples that are in fact drawn from populations with the same mean" is True. This is a description of a Type I error?
True because significance level (α) is about type one errors and rejecting the null
Power (1-β) is the probability of correctly detecting a difference between means, when testing samples that are in fact drawn from populations with different means.
The beta value (β) is the probability of incorrectly concluding that there is no difference between means, when testing samples that are in fact drawn from populations with different means.