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  • Zoology

    The study of animals
  • Zoology is the broadest field because of the immense variety of animals and the complexity of the processes occurring within animals
  • History of Zoology
    • Attempts at classification as early as 5th century BC
    • Aristotle - first to devise a system of classifying animals
    • Historia Animalium - accurate descriptions of extant animals of Greece and Asia Minor
    • Pliny the Elder - compiled four volumes on zoology
    • Galen - dissected farm animals, monkeys, and other mammals
    • William Harvey - established the true mechanism of blood circulation
    • Andreas Vesalius - established the principle of comparative anatomy
    • Classification dominated zoology in the 17th and 18th centuries
    • Georges Cuvier - organization of animals based on specimens
    • Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann - proved that the cell is common structural unit of living things
    • St. Albertus Magnus - denied many of the superstitions in biology and reintroduced the work of Aristotle
    • Leonardo da Vinci - conducted anatomical studies, dissections and comparisons of the structure of humans and animals
    • Karl Ernst von Baer - cell concept provided impetus for progress in embryology
    • Claude Bernard - development of the study of animal physiology including the concept of "Homeostasis"
    • Charles Darwin - theory of evolution by natural selection
    • Gregor Mendel - first formulated the concept of particulate hereditary factor-later called genes
  • Specializations in Zoology
    • Anatomy - study of the structure of entire organisms and their parts
    • Cell Biology - study of the structure and function of cells
    • Ecology - study of interaction of organisms with their environment
    • Embryology - study of the development of animal from the fertilized egg to birth or hatching
  • Classification of living Things: Kingdom Monera, Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Plantae and Kingdom Animalia
  • Classification of living Things by Taxonomy: species, Genus, Family, order, class, Phylum, Kingdom
  • Genetics
    Study of the mechanisms of transmission of genes from parents to offspring
  • Histology
    Study of tissues
  • Molecular Biology

    Study of the details of animal structure and function at the subcellular level
  • Parasitology
    Study of animals that live in or on other organisms at the expense of the host
  • Physiology
    Study of the function of organisms and their parts
  • Zoology: An Ecological Perspective

    • Problems that affect the living animal
    • Population-over population
    • World Resources-stressing world resources
    • Solutions
    • continued use of fossil fuels usually leads to Deforestation
  • Zoology: An Ecological Perspective

    • Understanding of basic ecological principles
    • Understanding how matter is cycled and recycled in nature
  • Systematics
    Study of the classification and the evolutionary inter-relationships among animal groups
  • Zoogeography
    Study of the distribution of animals over the earth
  • Branches of Zoology
    • Entomology - study of insects
    • Herpetology - study of amphibians and reptiles
    • Ichthyology - study of fishes
    • Malacology - study of mollusks
    • Mammalogy - study of mammals
    • Ornithology - study of birds
    • Protozoology - study of protozoa
  • Organic Evolution
    Change in populations of organisms over time
  • Karl von Linne is remembered for collecting and classifying plants
  • Binomial Nomenclature
    A "two-part name" for naming organisms
  • Lysosomes
    Digest food, "Garbage Men"
  • Centrosome
    A cellular structure involved in the process of cell division
  • Vacuole
    Stores water, food and wastes, largest organelle in plant cell
  • Cell wall
    Found only in plant cells, protects and supports the cell
  • Chloroplasts
    Found only in plant cells, contains chlorophyll (makes plants green), where photosynthesis takes place
  • Cytoskeleton
    Organizes other constituents of the cell, maintains the cell's shape, responsible for the locomotion of the cell itself and the movement of various organelles within it
  • Cell components found in both plant and animal cells
    • Nucleus
    • Mitochondrion
    • Golgi complex
    • Endoplasmic Reticulum
    • Ribosomes
    • Cell Membrane
  • Cell components found only in plant cells

    • Chloroplasts
    • Cell Wall
    • Vacuoles
  • Animal tissues
    • Blood
    • Bone Tissue
    • Epithelial Tissue
    • Cartilage tissue
    • Adipose tissue
    • Nervous tissue
    • Muscle tissue
    • Connective tissue
  • Organ systems
    • Digestive
    • Muscular
    • Endocrine
    • Nervous
    • Integumentary
    • Lymphatic
    • Urinary
    • Reproductive
    • Skeletal
    • Respiratory
    • Cardiovascular
  • Cell theory
    All organisms are made of cells, the cell is the basic unit of life in all living things, all cells come from existing cells, all living things share a similar structure
  • Prokaryotic cell
    Bacterial cell, no membrane covered nucleus and organelles
  • Eukaryotic cell
    True cell, have nuclear membrane, organelles are structures that enable the cell to live, grow and reproduce
  • Cell membrane
    Outer layer of cell, "Gate into the City"
  • Cytoplasm

    Jelly-like fluid, Cytosol
  • Nucleus
    Control center of the cell, contains the cell's DNA
  • Mitochondria
    Power center of the cell
  • Ribosomes
    Site where proteins are made, "Factories of the cell"
  • Endoplasmic Reticulum
    Roadways of the cell, Rough ER has ribosomes attached, Smooth ER has no ribosomes
  • Golgi complex
    Packaging house of the cell, "Ups of the cell"
  • Evolution
    The process of changing forms of beings that have passed through a long period of time