ocd characteristics

Cards (3)

  • Behavioural characteristics:
    Compulsions are repetitive people are compelled to repeat behaviour. Compulsions reduce anxiety, compulsive behaviours are sometimes performed to help reduce anxiety and fear. Avoidance is an attempt to reduce anxiety by avoiding the situation that triggers the anxiety and compulsions.
  • Emotional characteristics:
    Anxiety and distress obsessions and compulsions can trigger anxiety and stress as they are overwhelming. Accompanying depression so anxiety can be accompanied by low mood and lack of enjoyment within activities. Guilt and disgust such as extreme negative feelings against dirt.
  • Cognitive characteristics: 
    Obsessive thoughts are persistent thoughts and they are always unpleasant. Cognitive coping strategies people respond with cognitive coping strategies and it can help manage their anxiety. Insight into excessive anxiety people who have anxiety are aware that their obsessions and compulsions are not rational. This can make them hypervigilant and look for the object that triggers their anxiety and compulsions.