
Cards (6)

  • Genes associated with OCD are likely to affect the levels of key neurotransmitters as well as structures of the brain.
  • The role of serotonin:
    Role of serotonin is to help regulate the mood. Neurotransmitters are responsible for relaying information from one neuron to another.
  • Decision making systems:
    Sometimes OCD can be associated with impaired decision-making. This can be associated with abnormal functioning of the lateral frontal lobes, they are responsible for logical thinking. The parahippocampal gyrus is overactive as the unpleasant thoughts and feelings become heightened about certain objects and items, for example dirt.
  • strength of the neural model for OCD supporting evidence. Antidepressants that purely work on serotonin are effective in reducing the symptoms of OCD. Further suggesting that serotonin is possibly involved with OCD. Also, OCD symptoms form part of a condition that is known as the  biological origin such as degenerative brain disorder Parkinson's disease which can cause paralysis and muscle tremors (Nestdat 2010). If a biological disorder produces OCD symptoms then we can assume biological processes underlie OCD. suggests bio processes may also cause the development of OCD.
  • limitation to the neural explanation is that the serotonin link to OCD is not unique to just OCD. As many people with OCD also experience clinical depression. Having two disorders at the same time is called comorbidity. This depression possibly involves the disruption of the action of serotonin. This leaves us with a logical problem when it comes to serotonin as a possible basis of OCD.It could simply be that serotonin disruption is because they have depression as well. This means that serotonin may not be relevant to OCD.
  • There is evidence to show that neural symptoms do not work normally with OCD. According to the biological model of mental disorder this is most easily explained by brain dysfunction causing OCD. However, this is simply a correlation between neural abnormality and OCD. These correlations do not usually indicate a casual relationship. It is possible that OCD causes abnormal brain function or that they are both influenced by a third factor.