Basic Structure of Viruses

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  • Viruses are very small (20nm- 450 nm in diameter) and simple in composition
  • Nanometer (nm): a metric unit of length equal to one billionth of a meter
  • Virus consists of a central nucleic acid surrounded by a protein capsule
  • Viruses can infect plant, animal or bacterial cells
  • Viruses contain DNA or RNA (never both)
  • Some viruses (flu virus) are enclosed by a sheath of lipid and protein molecules called a capsid
  • The capsid originates from the host cell's outer membrane
  • Viruses are acellular, have no nucleus, cytoplasm or organelles
  • Virus shapes varies from rod-shaped, spherical to more complex shapes
  • Rod-Shaped Viruses-one of the most common is the TMV-virus (Tobacco Mosaic Virus)
  • Spherical virus- Adeno virus
  • Complex virus shapes- Bacteriophage
  • Basic Structure of a Virus